[HTML][HTML] Toward first principles-based simulations of dense hydrogen
Accurate knowledge of the properties of hydrogen at high compression is crucial for
astrophysics (eg, planetary and stellar interiors, brown dwarfs, atmosphere of compact stars) …
astrophysics (eg, planetary and stellar interiors, brown dwarfs, atmosphere of compact stars) …
[HTML][HTML] Charged particle transport coefficient challenges in high energy density plasmas
BM Haines - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
High energy density physics (HEDP) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research typically
relies on computational modeling using radiation-hydrodynamics codes in order to design …
relies on computational modeling using radiation-hydrodynamics codes in order to design …
[HTML][HTML] Review of the second charged-particle transport coefficient code comparison workshop
We report the results of the second charged-particle transport coefficient code comparison
workshop, which was held in Livermore, California on 24–27 July 2023. This workshop …
workshop, which was held in Livermore, California on 24–27 July 2023. This workshop …
Ab Initio Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations of the Uniform Electron Gas on Large Length Scales
The accurate description of non-ideal quantum many-body systems is of prime importance
for a host of applications within physics, quantum chemistry, materials science, and related …
for a host of applications within physics, quantum chemistry, materials science, and related …
Electronic transport coefficients from density functional theory across the plasma plane
We investigate the thermopower and Lorenz number of hydrogen with Kohn-Sham density
functional theory (DFT) across the plasma plane toward the near-classical limit, ie, weakly …
functional theory (DFT) across the plasma plane toward the near-classical limit, ie, weakly …
First principles simulations of dense hydrogen
Accurate knowledge of the properties of hydrogen at high compression is crucial for
astrophysics (eg planetary and stellar interiors, brown dwarfs, atmosphere of compact stars) …
astrophysics (eg planetary and stellar interiors, brown dwarfs, atmosphere of compact stars) …
[HTML][HTML] The uniform electron gas at high temperatures: Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations and analytical theory
We present extensive new Ab initio path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations of the
uniform electron gas (UEG) in the high-temperature regime, 8≤ θ= k BT/EF≤ 128. This …
uniform electron gas (UEG) in the high-temperature regime, 8≤ θ= k BT/EF≤ 128. This …
Electronic heat conductivity in a two-temperature state
Heat transport in solids is governed by two fundamental contributions, atomic and electronic.
The electronic energy transport in transient excited states is a defining factor in the problem …
The electronic energy transport in transient excited states is a defining factor in the problem …
X-ray Thomson scattering spectra from density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations based on a modified Chihara formula
We study ab initio approaches for calculating x-ray Thomson scattering spectra from density
functional theory molecular dynamics simulations based on a modified Chihara formula that …
functional theory molecular dynamics simulations based on a modified Chihara formula that …
[HTML][HTML] Electrical conductivity of hydrogen plasmas: Low-density benchmarks and virial expansion including e–e collisions
G Röpke - Physics of Plasmas, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
An improved virial expansion for the low-density limit of the electrical conductivity σ (T, n) of
hydrogen as the simplest ionic plasma is presented. Quantum statistical methods provide …
hydrogen as the simplest ionic plasma is presented. Quantum statistical methods provide …