Positive and negative emotion regulation in adolescence: links to anxiety and depression
Emotion regulation skills develop substantially across adolescence, a period characterized
by emotional challenges and develo** regulatory neural circuitry. Adolescence is also a …
by emotional challenges and develo** regulatory neural circuitry. Adolescence is also a …
Emotion regulation: Current status and future prospects
JJ Gross - Psychological inquiry, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
One of the fastest growing areas within psychology is the field of emotion regulation.
However, enthusiasm for this topic continues to outstrip conceptual clarity, and there …
However, enthusiasm for this topic continues to outstrip conceptual clarity, and there …
The emotion regulation questionnaire for children and adolescents (ERQ–CA): a psychometric evaluation.
E Gullone, J Taffe - Psychological assessment, 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Despite the recognized importance of emotion regulation (ER) for healthy psychological
development, ER research has focused predominantly on the developmental periods of …
development, ER research has focused predominantly on the developmental periods of …
Cognitive reappraisal self-efficacy mediates the effects of individual cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder.
Objective: To examine whether changes in cognitive reappraisal self-efficacy (CR-SE)
mediate the effects of individually administered cognitive-behavioral therapy (I-CBT) for …
mediate the effects of individually administered cognitive-behavioral therapy (I-CBT) for …
Research review: Do parent ratings of infant negative emotionality and self‐regulation predict psychopathology in childhood and adolescence? A systematic review …
Background Identifying low‐cost and easy to implement measures of infant markers of later
psychopathology may improve targeting of early intervention for prevention. Because of their …
psychopathology may improve targeting of early intervention for prevention. Because of their …
Emotion dysregulation and anxiety in children and adolescents: Gender differences
An increasing number of studies has shown that emotion dysregulation plays a key role in
relation to childhood anxiety. While gender differences are commonly associated with …
relation to childhood anxiety. While gender differences are commonly associated with …
Emotion regulation in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Emotion dysregulation is not a formal criterion for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder
(ASD). However, parents and clinicians have long noted the importance of emotional …
(ASD). However, parents and clinicians have long noted the importance of emotional …
Assessing emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder: The emotion regulation interview
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is thought to involve emotional hyper-reactivity and emotion
dysregulation. However, the precise nature of the emotion dysregulation in SAD has not …
dysregulation. However, the precise nature of the emotion dysregulation in SAD has not …
Families playing animal crossing together: co** with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic was stressful for everyone, particularly for families who had to
supervise and support children, facilitate remote schooling, and manage work and home life …
supervise and support children, facilitate remote schooling, and manage work and home life …
DEEP: A biofeedback virtual reality game for children at-risk for anxiety
Anxiety disorders are among the most frequently diagnosed mental health problems in
children, leading to potentially devastating outcomes on a personal level and high costs for …
children, leading to potentially devastating outcomes on a personal level and high costs for …