Simply robust control strategy based on model predictive control

K Masuda, K Uchiyama - 2020 SICE International Symposium …, 2020‏ -
A control engineer is required to design a controller that will stabilize a system, and satisfy
specific performance under the influence of disturbance, observation noise, unmodeled …

Transferring and tilt motion control of the liquid container to suppress sloshing by using Generalized Predictive Control Method

R Shibuya, H Okatsuka, Y Noda… - 2011 IEEE/SICE …, 2011‏ -
This paper presents sloshing suppression control of liquid with the high-speed transfer. In
order to suppress the sloshing, mathematical model comprised of the continuous equation …

[PDF][PDF] Realization of Safe Autonomous Driving using Randomized Model Predictive Control

A Muraleedharan - (No Title), 2023‏ -
1.1 Background Autonomous driving (AD) has been advancing significantly over the last few
decades. It is impossible not to wonder why it has been a major research interest all around …

Modeling framework for batch‐dependent dynamics of reaction process by combining first principles and machine learning

T Ishitobi, Y Kono, Y Mochizuki - … and Communications in …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
We propose a modeling framework for automating batch processes operation. Batch
processes are often controlled by PID controllers, where engineers manually regulate their …

Optimal control of dc-dc converter using mixed logical dynamical system Model

N Asano, T Zanma, M Ishida - IEEJ Transactions on Industry …, 2007‏ -
This paper presents an optimal control method of dc-dc converters. The method is based on
hybrid dynamical system theory. Specifically, the input of the considered system is confined …

Wireless Sensor Network based Control System-Trade off between sensor power saving and control performance

Y Iino, M Fujita - SICE Annual Conference 2007, 2007‏ -
This paper is discussed on some new control methodologies for wireless sensor network
based closed loop control systems. Such a system is required to save battery energy …

Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Applied to a Cement Raw Material Mixing Process

Y Iino, K Abe, Y Tsukamoto - SICE Journal of Control …, 2008‏ - Taylor & Francis
A practical model predictive control method is proposed which was applied to a cement raw
material mixing process. The method has a hierarchical structure of 3 layers consisted of set …

Study on model predictive control to minimize temperature change of vertical plate with varying heat generation

S Hirasawa, S Ito, K Koike - ASME …, 2009‏ -
Precise process temperature control of 0.001° C under circumstances of noise-temperature
change of 0.1° C is required in semiconductor manufacturing process. We studied optimum …

Hierarchical MPC supervisory control with sensitivity and controllability monitoring

Y Iino - 2008 SICE Annual Conference, 2008‏ -
Model predictive control (MPC) enables to handle multi-objective optimal operations and
control in various kinds of process controls. In fact, simultaneous optimization of stability …


石飛太一, 河野洋**, 望月義則 - 電気学会論文誌 C (電子・情報 …, 2023‏ -
抄録 We propose a modeling framework for automating batch processes operation. Batch
processes are often controlled by PID controllers, where engineers manually regulate their …