Application of regenerative processes approach for the approximation of the ruin probability in a bivariate classical risk model with large claims
In order to reflect more accurately the insurance company's activity, risk models that have
been recently studied in the literature are becoming increasingly complex. Moreover, the …
been recently studied in the literature are becoming increasingly complex. Moreover, the …
[PDF][PDF] Méthodes d'estimation et d'approximation pour l'analyse des modèles de risque
Z HARFOUCHE - researchgate.net
Le risque est inhérent à la plupart des activités humaines, en particulier dans les
compagnies d'assurance. Il semble délicat de mesurer ces différents risques. L'assurance …
compagnies d'assurance. Il semble délicat de mesurer ces différents risques. L'assurance …
Comparison of nonparametric and semi-parametric estimates for approximating univariate classical risk models
A Bareche, Z Harfouche - conference.univ-batna2.dz
In this work, we propose a combined approach, leveraging an approximation method
(operator method [1]) and estimation techniques (nonparametric and semi-parametric [3, 4]) …
(operator method [1]) and estimation techniques (nonparametric and semi-parametric [3, 4]) …
Transformation kernel density estimation for approximating ruin probabilities in risk models using the operator method: Application to financial data
A Bareche, Z Harfouche - Participant Statistics - ntmsci.com
We propose in this work a transformation kernel density estimation technique (semi-
parametric approach) for the improvement of the quality of the stability bound on the …
parametric approach) for the improvement of the quality of the stability bound on the …
Nonparametric approach for approximating the ruin probability of Sparre Andersen risk models
Ruin probability is one of the main features of a risk model which is the probability that the
insurer capital falls bellow the level zero. However, it cannot be found explicitly for many risk …
insurer capital falls bellow the level zero. However, it cannot be found explicitly for many risk …