Anonymization: The imperfect science of using data while preserving privacy
Information about us, our actions, and our preferences is created at scale through surveys or
scientific studies or as a result of our interaction with digital devices such as smartphones …
scientific studies or as a result of our interaction with digital devices such as smartphones …
Discrimination through optimization: How Facebook's Ad delivery can lead to biased outcomes
The enormous financial success of online advertising platforms is partially due to the precise
targeting features they offer. Although researchers and journalists have found many ways …
targeting features they offer. Although researchers and journalists have found many ways …
Transparency you can trust: Transparency requirements for artificial intelligence between legal norms and contextual concerns
Transparency is now a fundamental principle for data processing under the General Data
Protection Regulation. We explore what this requirement entails for artificial intelligence and …
Protection Regulation. We explore what this requirement entails for artificial intelligence and …
Building and auditing fair algorithms: A case study in candidate screening
Academics, activists, and regulators are increasingly urging companies to develop and
deploy sociotechnical systems that are fair and unbiased. Achieving this goal, however, is …
deploy sociotechnical systems that are fair and unbiased. Achieving this goal, however, is …
Auditing for discrimination in algorithms delivering job ads
Ad platforms such as Facebook, Google and LinkedIn promise value for advertisers through
their targeted advertising. However, multiple studies have shown that ad delivery on such …
their targeted advertising. However, multiple studies have shown that ad delivery on such …
On microtargeting socially divisive ads: A case study of russia-linked ad campaigns on facebook
Targeted advertising is meant to improve the efficiency of matching advertisers to their
customers. However, targeted advertising can also be abused by malicious advertisers to …
customers. However, targeted advertising can also be abused by malicious advertisers to …
Privacy-and utility-preserving textual analysis via calibrated multivariate perturbations
Accurately learning from user data while providing quantifiable privacy guarantees provides
an opportunity to build better ML models while maintaining user trust. This paper presents a …
an opportunity to build better ML models while maintaining user trust. This paper presents a …
Efficient deep learning on multi-source private data
Machine learning models benefit from large and diverse datasets. Using such datasets,
however, often requires trusting a centralized data aggregator. For sensitive applications like …
however, often requires trusting a centralized data aggregator. For sensitive applications like …
What makes a “bad” ad? user perceptions of problematic online advertising
Online display advertising on websites is widely disliked by users, with many turning to ad
blockers to avoid “bad” ads. Recent evidence suggests that today's ads contain potentially …
blockers to avoid “bad” ads. Recent evidence suggests that today's ads contain potentially …
Ad delivery algorithms: The hidden arbiters of political messaging
Political campaigns are increasingly turning to targeted advertising platforms to inform and
mobilize potential voters. The appeal of these platforms stems from their promise to …
mobilize potential voters. The appeal of these platforms stems from their promise to …