Reviews and reviewing: Approaches to research synthesis. an annual review of information science and technology (ARIST) paper

LC Smith - Journal of the Association for Information Science …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Reviews have long been recognized as among the most important forms of scientific
communication. The rapid growth of the primary literature has further increased the need for …

Systematic searching in a post-pandemic world: New directions for methods, technology, and people

P Levay, J Craven - Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 2023 -
In January 2019 we concluded our book, Systematic Searching: Practical Ideas for
Improving Results, by asking the question, Where do we go from here?” We would like to …

[PDF][PDF] PCIT–intervention vaikuttavuus lasten kaltoinkohtelun ehkäisyssä

M Ylitalo - 2024 -
Lasten kaltoinkohtelu voi aiheuttaa inhimillisen kärsimyksen lisäksi kohtalokkaita yksilön
elämänlaatua heikentäviä seurauksia, jotka aiheuttavat taloudellista taakkaa myös …