Ecological genomics meets community‐level modelling of biodiversity: Map** the genomic landscape of current and future environmental adaptation
Local adaptation is a central feature of most species occupying spatially heterogeneous
environments, and may factor critically in responses to environmental change. However …
environments, and may factor critically in responses to environmental change. However …
[ספר][B] Biogeographic atlas of the Southern Ocean
C De Broyer, P Koubbi, H Griffiths, SA Grant - 2014 - core.ac.uk
The isolation of the Southern Ocean after the opening of Drake Passage some 23–25 million
years ago, the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the subsequent cooling of the …
years ago, the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the subsequent cooling of the …
[HTML][HTML] Distinctly variable mudscapes: distribution gradients of intertidal macrofauna across the Dutch Wadden Sea
Abstract The Wadden Sea is a shallow coastal region, with a large area of sedimentary tidal
flats that extends from The Netherlands to Denmark and has been declared a site of …
flats that extends from The Netherlands to Denmark and has been declared a site of …
Using landscape genomics to delineate seed and breeding zones for lodgepole pine
Seed and breeding zones traditionally are delineated based on local adaptation of
phenotypic traits associated with climate variables, an approach requiring long‐term field …
phenotypic traits associated with climate variables, an approach requiring long‐term field …
Drivers of epibenthic megafaunal composition in the sponge grounds of the Sackville Spur, northwest Atlantic
Deep-water sponges are considered ecosystem engineers, and the presence of large
aggregations of these organisms, commonly referred to as sponge grounds, is associated …
aggregations of these organisms, commonly referred to as sponge grounds, is associated …
Determining marine bioregions: a comparison of quantitative approaches
Areas that contain ecologically distinct biological content, called bioregions, are a central
component to spatial and ecosystem‐based management. We review and describe a variety …
component to spatial and ecosystem‐based management. We review and describe a variety …
Modeling the climatic drivers of spatial patterns in vegetation composition since the Last Glacial Maximum
Projecting the future composition and function of communities is a major challenge, and
there is an urgent need to develop, improve, and test the predictive capacity of ecological …
there is an urgent need to develop, improve, and test the predictive capacity of ecological …
Filling the gaps: Predicting the distribution of temperate reef biota using high resolution biological and acoustic data
Management of the marine environment is often hampered by a lack of comprehensive
spatial information on the distribution of diversity and the bio-physical processes structuring …
spatial information on the distribution of diversity and the bio-physical processes structuring …
Using Gradient Forests to summarize patterns in species turnover across large spatial scales and inform conservation planning
Aim Producing quantitative descriptions of large‐scale biodiversity patterns is challenging,
particularly where biological sampling is sparse or inadequate. This issue is particularly …
particularly where biological sampling is sparse or inadequate. This issue is particularly …
Biophysical patterns in benthic assemblage composition across contrasting continental margins off New Zealand
Aim To examine whether benthic assemblages are more diverse in a region of high
topographic and oceanographic complexity by comparing benthic invertebrate assemblages …
topographic and oceanographic complexity by comparing benthic invertebrate assemblages …