The mediating role of place attachment dimensions in the relationship between local social identity and well-being

F Maricchiolo, O Mosca, D Paolini… - Frontiers in Psychology, 2021 -
Well-functioning communities provide a range of material and psychological resources that
enhance well-being. The degree to which individuals see themselves as part of the local …

COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: The role of social identification and social and political trust on well-being and distress

D Paolini, F Maricchiolo, MG Pacilli, S Pagliaro - Current Psychology, 2022 - Springer
The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly become a global health crisis, leading people to
change their interpersonal behaviours to contain the spread of the virus. Italy has rapidly …

[HTML][HTML] Basic psychological needs, good societal development and satisfaction with life: The mediating role of the environment

O Mosca, A Milani, F Fornara, A Manunza, K Krys… - Sustainability, 2023 -
Seminal work on laypeople's perspectives on societal development is the foundation of our
renovated interest in good development and its relationship with well-being. The present …

Pathological affective dependence (PAD) as an antecedent of intimate partner violence (IPV): A pilot study of PAD's cognitive model on a sample of IPV victims

E Pugliese, O Mosca, AM Saliani, F Maricchiolo… - Psychology, 2023 -
The present paper has the aim of presenting a preliminary measure of the construct of
Pathological Affective Dependence (PAD). The scale has been built on the basis of a …

[HTML][HTML] Subjective socioeconomic status in small-scale aquaculture: evidence from Central-Southern Chile

M Baquedano-Rodríguez, J Rosas-Muñoz… - Sustainability, 2023 -
Socioeconomic status (SES) is a multidimensional concept that involves objective markers,
such as income, education, and occupation, along with subjective data, which indicate how …

[HTML][HTML] Feeling good in the place we live: The moderating role of the perception of environmental resources in the relationship between values and personal and …

F Maricchiolo, O Mosca, D Paolini, D Marino - Sustainability, 2021 -
The environmental psychological literature suggested that three different value orientations
(egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric) are relevant for understanding environmental beliefs and …

Desenvolvimento humano feminino em prol do desempenho ambiental: uma análise sob a ótica dos valores culturais

FPS Falguera - 2022 -
Embora possa haver algum desacordo sobre o início do Antropoceno, os alertas
relacionados à urgência de se mitigar as ameaças ambientais estão cada vez mais …

Cultural Values and Human Development: From a Systematic Review to a Research Agenda

F Sartori, D Hartmann, EB Mariano - Available at SSRN 4514024, 2023 -
While the study of culture and its effects on economic, social, and psychological processes
has experienced an explosion of attention, a systematic literature review on the integration …

[HTML][HTML] Психологическое благополучие китайских и российских академически одаренных подростков: сравнительный анализ

С Ван, ЕН Волкова, АВ Микляева - Вестник Мининского …, 2022 -
Введение. Психологическое благополучие является важнейшим ресурсом и условием
развития человеческого потенциала, что определяет актуальность изучения …

Well-Being: A Framework to Assess Relationships in Policy Implementation

V Ramírez - Relational Well-Being in Policy Implementation in …, 2021 - Springer
After seventy decades of GDP as the ruling indicator of development and policy
effectiveness, recent evidence has shown the insufficiency of growing levels of income to …