Fifty years of graph matching, network alignment and network comparison
In this paper we survey methods for performing a comparative graph analysis and explain
the history, foundations and differences of such techniques of the last 50 years. While …
the history, foundations and differences of such techniques of the last 50 years. While …
[KNYGA][B] Modeling with UML
B Rumpe - 2016 - Springer
Designing large software systems is one of the big technical challenges of our time. The
scope and complexity of software have now reached dimensions that push all established …
scope and complexity of software have now reached dimensions that push all established …
[KNYGA][B] Softwaretechnik: Methodisches Programmieren im Großen
M Nagl - 2013 -
Das Buch behandelt den zentralen Bereich" Entwurf" der Softwaretechnik, nämlich der
Erstellung und Modifikation von Softwarearchitekturen, um so die Struktur eines …
Erstellung und Modifikation von Softwarearchitekturen, um so die Struktur eines …
Introduction to PROGRESS, an attribute graph grammar based specification language
A Schürr - International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts …, 1989 - Springer
The language PROGRESS presented within this paper is the first strongly typed language
which is based on the concepts of PRO grammed G raph RE writing S y S tems. This …
which is based on the concepts of PRO grammed G raph RE writing S y S tems. This …
A comparison between Petri-nets and graph grammars
HJ Kreowski - International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts …, 1980 - Springer
A graph grammar is constructed from a given Petri-net so that direct derivation steps in the
grammar correspond to firings of transitions in the net. This close relationship between Petri …
grammar correspond to firings of transitions in the net. This close relationship between Petri …
[KNYGA][B] Strukturelle analyse web-basierter dokumente
M Dehmer - 2007 -
Matthias Dehmer rückt das Web Structure Mining, insbesondere die strukturelle Analyse
Web-basierter Hypertexte auf Grundlage gerichteter Graphen, in den Mittelpunkt seiner …
Web-basierter Hypertexte auf Grundlage gerichteter Graphen, in den Mittelpunkt seiner …
Graph grammar engineering: A software specification method
Graphs as conceptual data models are accepted and used in a wide range of different
problem areas. Giving some examples we outline common aspects for modeling complex …
problem areas. Giving some examples we outline common aspects for modeling complex …
[KNYGA][B] Modellgesteuerte Bildanalyse
H Bunke, H Bunke - 1985 - Springer
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der automatischen Analyse von Bildern und
Bildfolgen mittels eines Digitalrechners. Hierunter wird die Aufgabe verstanden, aus einem …
Bildfolgen mittels eines Digitalrechners. Hierunter wird die Aufgabe verstanden, aus einem …
Graph grammars, insertion Lie algebras, and quantum field theory
M Marcolli, A Port - Mathematics in Computer Science, 2015 - Springer
Graph grammars extend the theory of formal languages in order to model distributed
parallelism in theoretical computer science. We show here that to certain classes of context …
parallelism in theoretical computer science. We show here that to certain classes of context …
Practical applications of precedence graph grammars
M Kaul - Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer …, 1987 - Springer
Precedence graph grammars are of major interest in all those applications of graph
grammars, where highly efficient parsers are needed. Up to now there are no other graph …
grammars, where highly efficient parsers are needed. Up to now there are no other graph …