Solitons in nonlinear lattices

YV Kartashov, BA Malomed, L Torner - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
This article offers a comprehensive survey of results obtained for solitons and complex
nonlinear wave patterns supported by nonlinear lattices (NLs), which represent a spatially …

Dark solitons in atomic Bose–Einstein condensates: from theory to experiments

DJ Frantzeskakis - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2010 -
This review paper presents an overview of the theoretical and experimental progress on the
study of matter-wave dark solitons in atomic Bose–Einstein condensates. Upon introducing …

Nonlinear waves in Bose–Einstein condensates: physical relevance and mathematical techniques

R Carretero-González, DJ Frantzeskakis… - …, 2008 -
The aim of this review is to introduce the reader to some of the physical notions and the
mathematical methods that are relevant to the study of nonlinear waves in Bose–Einstein …

Enhanced mobility of quantum droplets in periodic lattices

YV Kartashov, DA Zezyulin - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024 - Elsevier
We predict that one-and two-dimensional self-bound quantum droplets, forming in Bose–
Einstein condensates in the presence of Lee–Huang–Yang (LHY) quantum corrections to …

Solitons in combined linear and nonlinear lattice potentials

H Sakaguchi, BA Malomed - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2010 - APS
We study ordinary solitons and gap solitons (GS's) in the framework of the one-dimensional
Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) with a combination of both linear and nonlinear lattice …

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a nonlinear double-well structure

T Mayteevarunyoo, BA Malomed, G Dong - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2008 - APS
We propose a model of a nonlinear double-well potential (NDWP), alias a double-well
pseudopotential, with the objective to study an alternative implementation of the …

Algebraic bright and vortex solitons in defocusing media

OV Borovkova, YV Kartashov, BA Malomed, L Torner - Optics letters, 2011 -
We demonstrate that spatially inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinear landscapes with the
nonlinearity coefficient growing toward the periphery as (1+| r|^ α) support one-and two …

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of stability and instability dynamics of positive lattice solitons

Y Sivan, G Fibich, B Ilan, MI Weinstein - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2008 - APS
We present a unified approach for qualitative and quantitative analysis of stability and
instability dynamics of positive bright solitons in multidimensional focusing nonlinear media …

Soliton modes, stability, and drift in optical lattices with spatially modulated nonlinearity

YV Kartashov, VA Vysloukh, L Torner - Optics letters, 2008 -
We put forward new properties of lattice solitons in materials and geometries where both the
linear refractive index and the nonlinearity are spatially modulated. We show that the …

Self-trapped spatially localized states in combined linear-nonlinear periodic potentials

JC Shi, JH Zeng - Frontiers of Physics, 2020 - Springer
We analyze the existence and stability of two kinds of self-trapped spatially localized gap
modes, gap solitons and truncated nonlinear Bloch waves, in one-and two-dimensional …