Comparison among cloud technologies and cloud performance
The cloud is the best method used for the utilization and organization of data. The cloud
provides many resources for us via the internet. There are many technologies used in cloud …
provides many resources for us via the internet. There are many technologies used in cloud …
[HTML][HTML] Cloud service performance evaluation: status, challenges, and opportunities–a survey from the system modeling perspective
With rapid advancement of Cloud computing and networking technologies, a wide spectrum
of Cloud services have been developed by various providers and utilized by numerous …
of Cloud services have been developed by various providers and utilized by numerous …
Cloud brokering mechanisms for optimized placement of virtual machines across multiple providers
In the past few years, we have witnessed the proliferation of a heterogeneous ecosystem of
cloud providers, each one with a different infrastructure offer and pricing policy. We explore …
cloud providers, each one with a different infrastructure offer and pricing policy. We explore …
A stochastic model to investigate data center performance and QoS in IaaS cloud computing systems
Cloud data center management is a key problem due to the numerous and heterogeneous
strategies that can be applied, ranging from the VM placement to the federation with other …
strategies that can be applied, ranging from the VM placement to the federation with other …
Learning management systems and cloud file hosting services: A study on students' acceptance
The aim of this paper is to investigate the motivations that lead higher education students to
replace several Learning Management Systems (LMS) services with cloud file hosting …
replace several Learning Management Systems (LMS) services with cloud file hosting …
[PDF][PDF] Smart items, fog and cloud computing as enablers of servitization in healthcare
In this article we argue that smart items and cloud computing can be powerful enablers of
servitization as business trend. This is exemplified by an application scenario in healthcare …
servitization as business trend. This is exemplified by an application scenario in healthcare …
Prioritizing the critical factors of cloud computing adoption using multi-criteria decision-making techniques
Cloud Computing (CC) is a paradigm shift with the potential of transforming the information
and communication technology (ICT) industry. ICT is an integral part of all businesses, and …
and communication technology (ICT) industry. ICT is an integral part of all businesses, and …
Case study for running HPC applications in public clouds
Cloud computing is emerging as an alternative computing platform to bridge the gap
between scientists' growing computational demands and their computing capabilities. A …
between scientists' growing computational demands and their computing capabilities. A …
How a consumer can measure elasticity for cloud platforms
One major benefit claimed for cloud computing is elasticity: the cost to a consumer of
computation can grow or shrink with the workload. This paper offers improved ways to …
computation can grow or shrink with the workload. This paper offers improved ways to …
Towards an accurate evaluation of quality of cloud service in service-oriented cloud computing
Cloud computing promises to provide high quality, on-demand services with service-
oriented architecture. However, cloud service typically come with various levels of services …
oriented architecture. However, cloud service typically come with various levels of services …