Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities
Aim Climate change is expected to impact mountain biodiversity by shifting species ranges
and the biomes they shape. The extent and regional variation in these impacts are still …
and the biomes they shape. The extent and regional variation in these impacts are still …
OCBIL theory examined: reassessing evolution, ecology and conservation in the world's ancient, climatically buffered and infertile landscapes
OCBIL theory was introduced as a contribution towards understanding the evolution,
ecology and conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of old, climatically buffered …
ecology and conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of old, climatically buffered …
[HTML][HTML] Warming reconstructs the elevation distributions of aboveground net primary production, plant species and phylogenetic diversity in alpine grasslands
J Wang, C Yu, G Fu - Ecological Indicators, 2021 - Elsevier
Warming is an important climate change, both plant diversity and aboveground net primary
production (ANPP) are closely correlated with ecosystem functions and services. A field …
production (ANPP) are closely correlated with ecosystem functions and services. A field …
Climate Vulnerability Assessment of the Espeletia Complex on Páramo Sky Islands in the Northern Andes
Some of the largest impacts of climate change are expected in the environmentally
heterogeneous and species rich high mountain ecosystems. Among those, the Neotropical …
heterogeneous and species rich high mountain ecosystems. Among those, the Neotropical …
Restricted dispersal and inbreeding in a high‐elevation bird across the 'sky islands' of the European Alps
Aim High‐elevation specialist species are threatened by climate change and habitat loss,
and their distributions are becoming increasingly reduced and fragmented. In such a …
and their distributions are becoming increasingly reduced and fragmented. In such a …
Low availability of functional seed trait data from the tropics could negatively affect global macroecological studies, predictive models and plant conservation
Background Plant seeds have many traits that influence ecological functions, ex situ
conservation, restoration success and their sustainable use. Several seed traits are known …
conservation, restoration success and their sustainable use. Several seed traits are known …
The ghost of past climate acting on present‐day plant diversity: Lessons from a climate‐based delimitation of the tropical alpine ecosystem
Habitat stability is important for maintaining biodiversity by preventing species extinction, but
this stability is being challenged by climate change. The tropical alpine ecosystem is …
this stability is being challenged by climate change. The tropical alpine ecosystem is …
Vegetation assembly, adaptive strategies and positive interactions during primary succession in the forefield of the last Venezuelan glacier
Glaciers are receding at unprecedented rates in the alpine tropics, opening-up new areas
for ecosystem assembly. However, little is known about the patterns/mechanisms of primary …
for ecosystem assembly. However, little is known about the patterns/mechanisms of primary …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of Experiment Warming on Soil Fungi Community of Medicago sativa, Elymus nutans and Hordeum vulgare in Tibet
Z Zhong, G Zhang, G Fu - Journal of Fungi, 2023 - mdpi.com
The uncertainty response of soil fungi community to climate warming in alpine
agroecosystems will limit our ability to fully exploit and utilize soil fungi resources, especially …
agroecosystems will limit our ability to fully exploit and utilize soil fungi resources, especially …
Plant phenology dynamics and pollination networks in summits of the High Tropical Andes: A baseline for monitoring climate change impacts
Analyzing plant phenology and plant–animal interaction networks can provide sensitive
mechanistic indicators to understand the response of alpine plant communities to climate …
mechanistic indicators to understand the response of alpine plant communities to climate …