The pedosphere as a sink, source, and record of anthropogenic and natural arsenic atmospheric deposition

AA Meharg, C Meharg - Environmental science & technology, 2021 - ACS Publications
The Anthropocene has led to global-scale contamination of the biosphere through diffuse
atmospheric dispersal of arsenic. This review considers the sources arsenic to soils and its …

Effect of iron oxide reductive dissolution on the transformation and immobilization of arsenic in soils: New insights from X-ray photoelectron and X-ray absorption …

JX Fan, YJ Wang, C Liu, LH Wang, K Yang… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2014 - Elsevier
The geochemical behavior and speciation of arsenic (As) in paddy soils is strongly
controlled by soil redox conditions and the sequestration by soil iron oxyhydroxides. Hence …

On–off mobilization of contaminants in soils during redox oscillations

RM Couture, L Charlet, E Markelova… - … science & technology, 2015 - ACS Publications
Near-surface biogeochemical systems can oscillate between oxic and anoxic conditions.
Under such periodic changes many redox-sensitive inorganic contaminants undergo …

Trace element solubility in a multimetal-contaminated soil as affected by redox conditions

I Hindersmann, T Mansfeldt - Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2014 - Springer
Redox conditions play an outstanding role in controlling the behaviour of trace elements in
soil environments. They are not only sensitive to water saturation but also to soil temperature …

Impacts of dam draining on the mobility of heavy metals and arsenic in water and basin bottom sediments of three studied dams in Germany

J Hahn, C Opp, A Evgrafova, M Groll, N Zitzer… - Science of the Total …, 2018 - Elsevier
The draining of a dam is a relatively rare event, however, it can have severe consequences
for a watercourse connected to that reservoir. In order to understand the effects of the …

Distribution and chemical speciation of arsenic and heavy metals in highly contaminated waters used for health care purposes (Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

V Lenoble, D Omanović, C Garnier, S Mounier… - Science of the Total …, 2013 - Elsevier
Determination of distribution and chemical speciation of arsenic and heavy metals in five
acidic springs and in the receiving river near Srebrenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was …

Elevated CO2 increases soil redox potential by promoting root radial oxygen loss in paddy field

J Li, H Zhang, W **e, C Liu, X Liu, X Zhang, L Li… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Soil redox potential (Eh) plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of soil
nutrients. Whereas its effect soil process and nutrients' availability under elevated …

Characterizing redox potential effects on greenhouse gas emissions induced by water‐level changes

J Wang, HR Bogena, H Vereecken… - Vadose Zone …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Core Ideas Dynamics of redox potential were induced by water‐table changes in a
lysimeter. The redox potential measurements well reflected the different GHG emission …

Naturally dissolved arsenic concentrations in the Alpine/Mediterranean Var River watershed (France)

A Barats, G Féraud, C Potot, V Philippini, Y Travi… - Science of the total …, 2014 - Elsevier
A detailed study on arsenic (As) in rocks and water from the Var River watershed was
undertaken aiming at identifying (i) the origin and the distribution of As in this typical …

Temperature-induced diurnal redox potential in soil

K Dorau, B Bohn, L Weihermüller… - … Science: Processes & …, 2021 -
With the capabilities to measure redox potentials (EH) at a high temporal resolution,
scientists have observed diurnal EH that occur in a distinct periodicity in soils and …