The determinants of SMEs' export entry: A systematic review of the literature
Despite the plethora of studies on SMEs' export performance and survival, empirical works
on export initiation are relatively limited. Thus far, extant literature has fallen short of …
on export initiation are relatively limited. Thus far, extant literature has fallen short of …
Map** SME productivity research: A systematic review of empirical evidence and future research agenda
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the lifeblood of economies around the
world. They play an important role in productivity growth, which is crucial for developed …
world. They play an important role in productivity growth, which is crucial for developed …
[HTML][HTML] Innovation drivers for export performance
LC Ortigueira-Sánchez, DHB Welsh… - Sustainable Technology …, 2022 - Elsevier
According to the research-based view of the firm, innovation is a key capability that can
foster a sustainable competitive advantage and explain firm heterogeneity in export …
foster a sustainable competitive advantage and explain firm heterogeneity in export …
Managing internationalization and innovation tradeoffs in entrepreneurial firms: Evidence from transition economies
For entrepreneurial firms (EFs), internationalization and innovation present two major
avenues for growth. Prior research, based primarily on EFs from advanced economies …
avenues for growth. Prior research, based primarily on EFs from advanced economies …
Análisis de los factores de competitividad para la productividad sostenible de las PYMES en Trujillo (Perú)
LA Benites Gutiérrez, C Ruff Escobar… - Revista de Métodos …, 2020 - econstor.eu
Los niveles de competitividad de los países de Latinoamérica se encuentran en un proceso
de desarrollo lento para alcanzar a empresas situadas en economías más modernas, por …
de desarrollo lento para alcanzar a empresas situadas en economías más modernas, por …
[HTML][HTML] The importance of institutional and financial resources for export performance associated with technological innovation
This study adopts a resource contingency perspective to examine the impact of
technological innovation on export performance of manufacturing firms. In view of …
technological innovation on export performance of manufacturing firms. In view of …
Disentangling the effects of business groups in the innovation-export relationship
This paper examines the role of business groups (BGs) in the relationship between
innovation and exports. In the light of the divergent theoretical predictions on the role of BGs …
innovation and exports. In the light of the divergent theoretical predictions on the role of BGs …
[HTML][HTML] Do national export promotion programs in Indonesia support export competitiveness?
This study examines the influence of export promotion programs (EPPs) in Indonesia on
companies' resources, capabilities, strategies, and competitiveness, and whether such …
companies' resources, capabilities, strategies, and competitiveness, and whether such …
Exploration, exploitation, ambidexterity and the performance of international SMEs
Purpose This study aims to examine how international small and medium-sized enterprises
(ISMEs) improve adaptive marketing capabilities (AMCs) through exploration, exploitation …
(ISMEs) improve adaptive marketing capabilities (AMCs) through exploration, exploitation …
R&D intensity, domestic institutional environment, and SMEs' OFDI in emerging markets
Outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
from emerging economies has emerged as a significant phenomenon in global markets …
from emerging economies has emerged as a significant phenomenon in global markets …