High-resolution X-ray computed tomography in geosciences: A review of the current technology and applications

V Cnudde, MN Boone - Earth-Science Reviews, 2013 - Elsevier
High-resolution X-ray Computed Tomography (HRXCT) or micro-CT (μCT) is a frequently
used non-destructive 3D imaging and analysis technique for the investigation of internal …

An introduction to the application of X-ray microtomography to the three-dimensional study of igneous rocks

DR Baker, L Mancini, M Polacci, MD Higgins… - Lithos, 2012 - Elsevier
Imaging rocks in three-dimensions through X-ray microtomography enables routine
visualization of structures in samples, which can be spatially resolved down to the sub …

Rhyolite-MELTS: a modified calibration of MELTS optimized for silica-rich, fluid-bearing magmatic systems

GAR Gualda, MS Ghiorso, RV Lemons… - Journal of …, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Silicic magma systems are of great scientific interest and societal importance owing to their
role in the evolution of the crust and the hazards posed by volcanic eruptions. MELTS is a …

Bubble nucleation in magmas: a dominantly heterogeneous process?

T Shea - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 2017 - Elsevier
Bubble nucleation is at the heart of magma ascent and degassing. Nucleation kinetics
control how easily a magma exsolves its volatiles, and thereby its explosivity close to the …

Zircon as magma monitor: Robust, temperature‐dependent partition coefficients from glass and zircon surface and rim measurements from natural systems

LL Claiborne, CF Miller, GAR Gualda… - … records down to …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Analysis of natural mineral/host glass pairs provides robust zircon‐melt partition coefficients
applicable to natural systems. We analyzed zircon rims (outer~ 15 µm of grain interiors) or …

Measurement of accessible reactive surface area in a sandstone, with application to CO2 mineralization

G Landrot, JB Ajo-Franklin, L Yang, S Cabrini… - Chemical …, 2012 - Elsevier
A new characterization approach is employed in this study that enables the measurement of
the surface area of each reactive mineral located within the connected pore network of a …

Rhyolites—Hard to produce, but easy to recycle and sequester: Integrating microgeochemical observations and numerical models

IN Bindeman, AG Simakin - Geosphere, 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Recent discoveries of isotopically diverse minerals, ie, zircons, quartz, and feldspars, in
large-volume ignimbrites and smaller lavas from the Snake River Plain (SRP; Idaho, USA) …

Sphene and zircon in the Highland Range volcanic sequence (Miocene, southern Nevada, USA): elemental partitioning, phase relations, and influence on evolution of …

LL Colombini, CF Miller, GAR Gualda… - Mineralogy and …, 2011 - Springer
Sphene is prominent in Miocene plutonic rocks ranging from diorite to granite in southern
Nevada, USA, but it is restricted to rhyolites in coeval volcanic sequences. In the Highland …

Crystal-melt elemental partitioning in silicic magmatic systems: An example from the Peach Spring Tuff high-silica rhyolite, Southwest USA

AJ Padilla, GAR Gualda - Chemical Geology, 2016 - Elsevier
Partition coefficients (K d) are critical for the quantitative modeling of the evolution of
magmatic systems. High-silica rhyolites (HSR) are characterized by saturation in numerous …

Architecture of a super-sized magma chamber and remobilization of its basal cumulate (Peach Spring Tuff, USA)

ML Foley, CF Miller, GAR Gualda - Journal of Petrology, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Using a combination of petrological and geochemical approaches, we investigate processes
prior to and during eruption of the Miocene supereruption of the Peach Spring Tuff (PST; …