Last-mile delivery concepts: a survey from an operational research perspective
In the wake of e-commerce and its successful diffusion in most commercial activities, last-
mile distribution causes more and more trouble in urban areas all around the globe …
mile distribution causes more and more trouble in urban areas all around the globe …
A survey of models and algorithms for optimizing shared mobility
The rise of research into shared mobility systems reflects emerging challenges, such as
rising traffic congestion, rising oil prices and rising environmental concern. The operations …
rising traffic congestion, rising oil prices and rising environmental concern. The operations …
Collaborative urban transportation: Recent advances in theory and practice
Increasing urbanization has turned transporting freight from, to, and within urban areas into
a major challenge. Freight transportation represents a lifeline for urban retail and industry …
a major challenge. Freight transportation represents a lifeline for urban retail and industry …
Supply, demand, operations, and management of crowd-ship** services: A review and empirical evidence
Crowd-ship** promises social, economic, and environmental benefits covering a range of
stakeholders. Yet, at the same time, many crowd-ship** initiatives face multiple barriers …
stakeholders. Yet, at the same time, many crowd-ship** initiatives face multiple barriers …
A sustainable on-demand urban delivery service enabled by synchromodality and synergy in passenger and freight mobility
This paper investigates the opportunity to plan for a novel on-demand freight delivery
service in urban areas with tight service and sustainability requirements. This contribution …
service in urban areas with tight service and sustainability requirements. This contribution …
The integration of passenger and freight transport for first-last mile operations
Abstract The “First-Last Mile” problem (FLM) is a relevant transport issue. According to the
Green Paper on Urban Mobility, the combination of passenger and freight flows may be a …
Green Paper on Urban Mobility, the combination of passenger and freight flows may be a …
Integration of passenger and freight transport: A concept-centric literature review
The integration of passenger and freight transport has been the subject of debate among
scholars from the beginning of the century, with a peak observed in the last five years …
scholars from the beginning of the century, with a peak observed in the last five years …
[HTML][HTML] A dynamic ridesharing dispatch and idle vehicle repositioning strategy with integrated transit transfers
We propose a ridesharing strategy with integrated transit in which a private on-demand
mobility service operator may drop off a passenger directly door-to-door, commit to drop** …
mobility service operator may drop off a passenger directly door-to-door, commit to drop** …
Freight on urban public transportation: A systematic literature review
Public transportation offers a promising opportunity for freight transportation in urban areas.
Through the sharing of infrastructure, vehicles, or even space inside wagons, synergies can …
Through the sharing of infrastructure, vehicles, or even space inside wagons, synergies can …
Integrated people-and-goods transportation systems: from a literature review to a general framework for future research
The promotion of urban mobility by integrating people-and-goods transportation has
attracted increasing attention in recent years. Within this framework, diversified forms such …
attracted increasing attention in recent years. Within this framework, diversified forms such …