Community-driven material recovery facility (CdMRF) for sustainable economic incentives of waste management: Evidence from Semarang City, Indonesia
This study of community-driven material recovery facilities (CdMRFs) in Semarang City,
Indonesia, was performed with the involvement of all stakeholders. Descriptive analysis was …
Indonesia, was performed with the involvement of all stakeholders. Descriptive analysis was …
Chondrichthyan diversity, conservation status, and management challenges in Costa Rica
Understanding key aspects of the biology and ecology of chondrichthyan fishes (sharks,
rays, and chimeras), as well as the range of threats affecting their populations is crucial …
rays, and chimeras), as well as the range of threats affecting their populations is crucial …
Morphological abnormalities in seven American round ray specimens: A review of America's batomorph anomalies
Although morphological abnormalities in several rays and skate species around the
American continents have frequently mentioned, their numbers are unknown. The present …
American continents have frequently mentioned, their numbers are unknown. The present …
[HTML][HTML] The biodiversity benefits of marine protected areas in well-regulated fisheries
There is long-running debate concerning the conservation benefits of marine protected
areas (MPAs) in seascapes that are already 'well-regulated'by other forms of fisheries …
areas (MPAs) in seascapes that are already 'well-regulated'by other forms of fisheries …
Research priorities for the conservation of chondrichthyans in Latin America
Latin American countries have a high diversity of sharks, rays, and chimaeras, yet many
species are at high risk of extinction due to numerous threats. The conservation of …
species are at high risk of extinction due to numerous threats. The conservation of …
Phylogeography of eagle rays of the genus Aetobatus: Aetobatus narinari is restricted to the continental western Atlantic Ocean
JBL Sales, CN de Oliveira, WCR dos Santos… - Hydrobiologia, 2019 - Springer
The biogeography and conservation of elasmobranch species was increasingly addressed
in the recent past, but the southwestern Atlantic Ocean fauna is still one of the least studied …
in the recent past, but the southwestern Atlantic Ocean fauna is still one of the least studied …
A first assessment of the distribution and abundance of large pelagic species at Cocos Ridge seamounts (Eastern Tropical Pacific) using drifting pelagic baited remote …
Understanding the link between seamounts and large pelagic species (LPS) may provide
important insights for the conservation of these species in open water ecosystems. The …
important insights for the conservation of these species in open water ecosystems. The …
Spatially explicit risk assessment of marine megafauna vulnerability to Indian Ocean tuna fisheries
By‐catch is the most significant direct threat marine megafauna face at the global scale.
However, the magnitude and spatial patterns of megafauna by‐catch are still poorly …
However, the magnitude and spatial patterns of megafauna by‐catch are still poorly …
Vulnerability of marine resources affected by a small-scale tropical shrimp fishery in Northeast Brazil
AS Lira, F Le Loc'h, HA Andrade… - ICES Journal of …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Tropical fisheries tend to be multispecies and require management approaches adapted to
high diversity but scarce and poorly informative data. Productivity and Susceptibility Analysis …
high diversity but scarce and poorly informative data. Productivity and Susceptibility Analysis …
Assessing the vulnerability of Elasmobranch species in the Bay of Bengal: Insights from Lakkha gill net fishery of Bangladesh
The elasmobranch population is declining in the Bay of Bengal of Bangladesh due to large-
mesh gill net fishing, locally known as the Lakkha net, which primarily targets Indian …
mesh gill net fishing, locally known as the Lakkha net, which primarily targets Indian …