The soret effect in liquid mixtures–a review
W Köhler, KI Morozov - Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, 2016 - degruyter.com
The Soret effect describes diffusive motion that originates from a temperature gradient. It is
observed in mixtures of gases, liquids and even solids. Although there is a formal …
observed in mixtures of gases, liquids and even solids. Although there is a formal …
Physics in ordered and disordered colloidal matter composed of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel particles
This review collects and describes experiments that employ colloidal suspensions to probe
physics in ordered and disordered solids and related complex fluids. The unifying feature of …
physics in ordered and disordered solids and related complex fluids. The unifying feature of …
Thermophoresis of biological and biocompatible compounds in aqueous solution
D Niether, S Wiegand - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
With rising popularity of microscale thermophoresis for the characterisation of protein-ligand
binding reactions and possible applications in microfluidic devices, there is a growing …
binding reactions and possible applications in microfluidic devices, there is a growing …
Specific salt effects on thermophoresis of charged colloids
We study the Soret effect of charged polystyrene particles as a function of temperature and
electrolyte composition. As a main result we find that the Soret coefficient is determined by …
electrolyte composition. As a main result we find that the Soret coefficient is determined by …
Emergent thermophoretic behavior in chemical reaction systems
Exposing a solution to a temperature gradient can lead to the accumulation of particles on
either the cold or warm side. This phenomenon is known as thermophoresis, and its …
either the cold or warm side. This phenomenon is known as thermophoresis, and its …
Dielectric relaxations of poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels near the volume phase transition temperature: impact of cross-linking density distribution on the …
W Su, K Zhao, J Wei, T Ngai - Soft Matter, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
Dielectric relaxation behaviors of three types of thermally sensitive poly (N-
isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM) microgels with different cross-linking density distributions …
isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM) microgels with different cross-linking density distributions …
Tuning Interfacial Properties and Processes by Controlling the Rheology and Structure of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Particles at Air/Water Interfaces
A Maestro, D Jones, C Sánchez de Rojas Candela… - Langmuir, 2018 - ACS Publications
By combining controlled experiments on single interfaces with measurements on solitary
bubbles and liquid foams, we show that poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM) microgels …
bubbles and liquid foams, we show that poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)(PNIPAM) microgels …
Thermophoretic migration of vesicles depends on mean temperature and head group chemistry
A number of colloidal systems, including polymers, proteins, micelles and hard spheres,
have been studied in thermal gradients to observe and characterize their driven motion …
have been studied in thermal gradients to observe and characterize their driven motion …
[HTML][HTML] Diffusion and thermodiffusion of the ternary system polystyrene+ toluene+ cyclohexane
D Sommermann, W Köhler - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
We have studied diffusion and thermodiffusion in the ternary system polystyrene+ toluene+
cyclohexane over the entire composition range of the binary solvent toluene+ cyclohexane …
cyclohexane over the entire composition range of the binary solvent toluene+ cyclohexane …
Role of hydrogen bonding of cyclodextrin–drug complexes probed by thermodiffusion
D Niether, T Kawaguchi, J Hovancová, K Eguchi… - Langmuir, 2017 - ACS Publications
Temperature gradient-induced migration of biomolecules, known as thermophoresis or
thermodiffusion, changes upon ligand binding. In recent years, this effect has been used to …
thermodiffusion, changes upon ligand binding. In recent years, this effect has been used to …