Nonequilibrium boundary-driven quantum systems: Models, methods, and properties
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the theoretical understanding of quantum
systems driven dissipatively by coupling to different baths at their edges. This was possible …
systems driven dissipatively by coupling to different baths at their edges. This was possible …
Photonic quantum information processing: a review
Photonic quantum technologies represent a promising platform for several applications,
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
ranging from long-distance communications to the simulation of complex phenomena …
Environment-assisted quantum transport in a 10-qubit network
The way in which energy is transported through an interacting system governs fundamental
properties in nature such as thermal and electric conductivity or phase changes …
properties in nature such as thermal and electric conductivity or phase changes …
Transport and nonreciprocity in monitored quantum devices: An exact study
We study noninteracting fermionic systems undergoing continuous monitoring and driven by
biased reservoirs. Averaging over the measurement outcomes, we derive exact formulas for …
biased reservoirs. Averaging over the measurement outcomes, we derive exact formulas for …
Nonequilibrium quantum impurity problems via matrix-product states in the temporal domain
Describing a quantum impurity coupled to one or more noninteracting fermionic reservoirs is
a paradigmatic problem in quantum many-body physics. While historically the focus has …
a paradigmatic problem in quantum many-body physics. While historically the focus has …
Studying light-harvesting models with superconducting circuits
The process of photosynthesis, the main source of energy in the living world, converts
sunlight into chemical energy. The high efficiency of this process is believed to be enabled …
sunlight into chemical energy. The high efficiency of this process is believed to be enabled …
Non-Gaussian correlations imprinted by local dephasing in fermionic wires
We study the behavior of an extended fermionic wire coupled to a local stochastic field.
Since the quantum jump operator is Hermitian and quadratic in fermionic operators, it …
Since the quantum jump operator is Hermitian and quadratic in fermionic operators, it …
Fast escape of a quantum walker from an integrated photonic maze
Esca** from a complex maze, by exploring different paths with several decision-making
branches in order to reach the exit, has always been a very challenging and fascinating task …
branches in order to reach the exit, has always been a very challenging and fascinating task …
Extremely broadband stochastic resonance of light and enhanced energy harvesting enabled by memory effects in the nonlinear response
We report the first observation of non-Markovian stochastic resonance (SR), and we
discover that memory effects in the nonlinearity extremely enlarge the SR bandwidth. Our …
discover that memory effects in the nonlinearity extremely enlarge the SR bandwidth. Our …
Symmetry-protected transport through a lattice with a local particle loss
AM Visuri, T Giamarchi, C Kollath - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
We study particle transport through a chain of coupled sites connected to free-fermion
reservoirs at both ends, subjected to a local particle loss. The transport is characterized by …
reservoirs at both ends, subjected to a local particle loss. The transport is characterized by …