[HTML][HTML] Molecular beam epitaxy, photocatalytic solar water splitting, and carrier dynamics of InGaN micro-network deep-nano structures
GaN-based nanostructures are increasingly being used for a broad range of electronic as
well as optoelectronic device applications, and more recently artificial photosynthesis and …
well as optoelectronic device applications, and more recently artificial photosynthesis and …
Role of quantum confinement in giving rise to high electron mobility in GaN nanowall networks
Origin of unprecedentedly high electron mobility observed in the c-axis oriented GaN
nanowall networks is investigated by studying the depth distribution of structural, electrical …
nanowall networks is investigated by studying the depth distribution of structural, electrical …
Quantum coherence of electrons in random networks of c-axis oriented wedge-shaped GaN nanowalls grown by molecular beam epitaxy
The depth distribution of the transport properties as well as the temperature dependence of
the low field magneto-conductance for several c-axis oriented GaN nanowall network …
the low field magneto-conductance for several c-axis oriented GaN nanowall network …
Polarization induced two dimensional confinement of carriers in wedge shaped polar semiconductors
A novel route to achieve two dimensional (2D) carrier confinement in a wedge shaped wall
structure made of a polar semiconductor has been demonstrated theoretically. Tapering of …
structure made of a polar semiconductor has been demonstrated theoretically. Tapering of …
Wedge-shaped GaN nanowalls: A potential candidate for two-dimensional electronics and spintronics
Schrödingerand Poisson equations are solved self-consistently in order to obtain the
potential and charge density distribution in n-type GaN nanowalls tapered along c-axis by …
potential and charge density distribution in n-type GaN nanowalls tapered along c-axis by …
Spin transport in polarization induced two-dimensional electron gas channel in c-GaN nano-wedges
A two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), which has recently been shown to develop in the
central vertical plane of a wedge-shaped c-oriented GaN nanowall due to spontaneous …
central vertical plane of a wedge-shaped c-oriented GaN nanowall due to spontaneous …
Weak localization and electron–electron interaction in GaN nanowalls
We investigate the magneto-transport properties of GaN nanowalls grown by molecular-
beam epitaxy on a sapphire substrate. The temperature dependent resistivity shows an …
beam epitaxy on a sapphire substrate. The temperature dependent resistivity shows an …
Spin transport in polarization induced two dimensional confinement of carriers in wedge shaped\textit {c}-GaN nanowalls
Spin transport property of polarization induced two-dimensional electron gas channel
formed in the central vertical plane of a wedge-shaped\textit {c}-oriented GaN nanowall is …
formed in the central vertical plane of a wedge-shaped\textit {c}-oriented GaN nanowall is …
Two dimensional confinement of electrons in nanowall network of GaN leading to high mobility and phase coherence
Here, we report an alternative route to achieve two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a
semiconductor structure. It has been shown that charge accumulation on the side facets can …
semiconductor structure. It has been shown that charge accumulation on the side facets can …
GaN Nanowall Network: Laser Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Properties
Low dimensional structures such as two-dimensional (2D) nanowalls, 1D nanorods or
nanowires and 0-D quantum dots of semiconductors exhibit different mechanical, electrical …
nanowires and 0-D quantum dots of semiconductors exhibit different mechanical, electrical …