Self-organized criticality in the brain
Self-organized criticality (SOC) refers to the ability of complex systems to evolve toward a
second-order phase transition at which interactions between system components lead to …
second-order phase transition at which interactions between system components lead to …
[HTML][HTML] Neuromorphic-based neuroprostheses for brain rewiring: state-of-the-art and perspectives in neuroengineering
Neuroprostheses are neuroengineering devices that have an interface with the nervous
system and supplement or substitute functionality in people with disabilities. In the collective …
system and supplement or substitute functionality in people with disabilities. In the collective …
Noise-assisted persistence and recovery of memory state in a memristive spiking neuromorphic network
IA Surazhevsky, VA Demin, AI Ilyasov… - Chaos, solitons & …, 2021 - Elsevier
We investigate the constructive role of an external noise signal, in the form of a low-rate
Poisson sequence of pulses supplied to all inputs of a spiking neural network, consisting in …
Poisson sequence of pulses supplied to all inputs of a spiking neural network, consisting in …
Synaptic scaling rule preserves excitatory–inhibitory balance and salient neuronal network dynamics
The balance between excitation and inhibition (E–I balance) is maintained across brain
regions though the network size, strength and number of synaptic connections, and …
regions though the network size, strength and number of synaptic connections, and …
Network dynamics of 3D engineered neuronal cultures: a new experimental model for in-vitro electrophysiology
Despite the extensive use of in-vitro models for neuroscientific investigations and
notwithstanding the growing field of network electrophysiology, all studies on cultured cells …
notwithstanding the growing field of network electrophysiology, all studies on cultured cells …
Network synchronization in hippocampal neurons
Y Penn, M Segal, E Moses - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2016 - pnas.org
Oscillatory activity is widespread in dynamic neuronal networks. The main paradigm for the
origin of periodicity consists of specialized pacemaking elements that synchronize and drive …
origin of periodicity consists of specialized pacemaking elements that synchronize and drive …
Impact of modular organization on dynamical richness in cortical networks
H Yamamoto, S Moriya, K Ide, T Hayakawa… - Science …, 2018 - science.org
As in many naturally formed networks, the brain exhibits an inherent modular architecture
that is the basis of its rich operability, robustness, and integration-segregation capacity …
that is the basis of its rich operability, robustness, and integration-segregation capacity …
Whole-brain neuronal activity displays crackling noise dynamics
Previous studies suggest that the brain operates at a critical point in which phases of order
and disorder coexist, producing emergent patterned dynamics at all scales and optimizing …
and disorder coexist, producing emergent patterned dynamics at all scales and optimizing …
[HTML][HTML] Emergence of rich-club topology and coordinated dynamics in development of hippocampal functional networks in vitro
Recent studies demonstrated that the anatomical network of the human brain shows a “rich-
club” organization. This complex topological feature implies that highly connected regions …
club” organization. This complex topological feature implies that highly connected regions …
Homeostatic plasticity and external input shape neural network dynamics
In vitro and in vivo spiking activity clearly differ. Whereas networks in vitro develop strong
bursts separated by periods of very little spiking activity, in vivo cortical networks show …
bursts separated by periods of very little spiking activity, in vivo cortical networks show …