Addiction and the dark triad of personality

E Jauk, R Dieterich - Frontiers in psychiatry, 2019 -
In this article, we review associations between the Dark Triad of personality (narcissism,
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and addictive behaviors, both substance-related and …

Perfect people, happier lives? When the quest for perfection compromises happiness: the roles played by substance use and internet addiction

A Maftei, C Opariuc-Dan - Frontiers in Public Health, 2023 -
Building on the Conservation of Resources Theory and the Stress-Co** Model, the
present study explored the relationship between perfectionism (rigid, self-critical …

How do temporal psychological distance and grandiose narcissism affect tourists' travel motivation and attraction visit intention?

WK Tan, CY Yang - Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2024 -
Purpose Literature has paid limited attention to narcissism's influence on tourism. The pre-
trip planning stage involves temporal psychological distance, where decision-making …

Novel associations among trauma, mindfulness, and impaired control over alcohol use

T Frohe, RF Leeman, JW Cheong, DA Belton… - Mindfulness, 2020 - Springer
Objective Two thirds of adults experience at least one lifetime traumatic incident.
Specifically, childhood traumas (physical neglect, emotional neglect, physical abuse …

Relations between acute effects of alcohol on response inhibition, impaired control over alcohol use, and alcohol‐related problems

WR Corbin, BL Berey, JT Waddell… - Alcoholism: Clinical …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Background Alcohol consistently impairs response inhibition in the laboratory, and alcohol
impairment of response inhibition may lead to excess consumption or increases in …

The narcissistic wine consumer: How social attractiveness associated with wine prompts narcissists to engage in wine consumption

R Lunardo, DA Jaud, AM Corsi - Food Quality and Preference, 2021 - Elsevier
Wine consumption can help improve one's social image. Given this social aspect of wine, we
predict that because individuals who are high in narcissism strive for social admiration, wine …

Narcissism on display? Effects of full-shot and medium-shot photographs posted on social media on tourists' attraction visit interest

WK Tan, JY Dong - Service Business, 2024 - Springer
Through theory of narcissism and leisure constraint theory, this study considers how tourists'
vulnerable narcissism facets and lack of interest travel constraint at destination level affect …

A Deviance Regulation Theory Intervention Affects the Association Between Narcissistic Traits and Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategies in College Students

D Kudapa, SJ Klaver, R Peterson, EK Burr… - Substance Use & …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Background: College students continue to report problematic alcohol use. To mitigate
adverse outcomes, recent studies have employed harm reduction strategies known as …

Does relationship-contingent self-esteem play a role in the stress to impaired control pathway to alcohol-related problems in a college student sample?

E Kalina, K Boyd-Frenkel, JA Patock-Peckham… - Behavioral …, 2023 -
The Appraisal-Disruption Model (ADM) suggests that individuals use alcohol as a means of
dampening negative self-talk. Relationship-contingent self-esteem (RCSE) emerges from …

The concept of Narcissistic Personality Disorder–Three levels of analysis for interdisciplinary integration

KA Jacobs - Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 -
In this paper, I distinguish three different levels for describing, and three corresponding ways
for understanding, deficient empathy as the core of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) …