Addiction and the dark triad of personality
In this article, we review associations between the Dark Triad of personality (narcissism,
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and addictive behaviors, both substance-related and …
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and addictive behaviors, both substance-related and …
Perfect people, happier lives? When the quest for perfection compromises happiness: the roles played by substance use and internet addiction
Building on the Conservation of Resources Theory and the Stress-Co** Model, the
present study explored the relationship between perfectionism (rigid, self-critical …
present study explored the relationship between perfectionism (rigid, self-critical …
How do temporal psychological distance and grandiose narcissism affect tourists' travel motivation and attraction visit intention?
WK Tan, CY Yang - Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Literature has paid limited attention to narcissism's influence on tourism. The pre-
trip planning stage involves temporal psychological distance, where decision-making …
trip planning stage involves temporal psychological distance, where decision-making …
Novel associations among trauma, mindfulness, and impaired control over alcohol use
Objective Two thirds of adults experience at least one lifetime traumatic incident.
Specifically, childhood traumas (physical neglect, emotional neglect, physical abuse …
Specifically, childhood traumas (physical neglect, emotional neglect, physical abuse …
Relations between acute effects of alcohol on response inhibition, impaired control over alcohol use, and alcohol‐related problems
Background Alcohol consistently impairs response inhibition in the laboratory, and alcohol
impairment of response inhibition may lead to excess consumption or increases in …
impairment of response inhibition may lead to excess consumption or increases in …
The narcissistic wine consumer: How social attractiveness associated with wine prompts narcissists to engage in wine consumption
Wine consumption can help improve one's social image. Given this social aspect of wine, we
predict that because individuals who are high in narcissism strive for social admiration, wine …
predict that because individuals who are high in narcissism strive for social admiration, wine …
Narcissism on display? Effects of full-shot and medium-shot photographs posted on social media on tourists' attraction visit interest
WK Tan, JY Dong - Service Business, 2024 - Springer
Through theory of narcissism and leisure constraint theory, this study considers how tourists'
vulnerable narcissism facets and lack of interest travel constraint at destination level affect …
vulnerable narcissism facets and lack of interest travel constraint at destination level affect …
A Deviance Regulation Theory Intervention Affects the Association Between Narcissistic Traits and Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategies in College Students
Background: College students continue to report problematic alcohol use. To mitigate
adverse outcomes, recent studies have employed harm reduction strategies known as …
adverse outcomes, recent studies have employed harm reduction strategies known as …
Does relationship-contingent self-esteem play a role in the stress to impaired control pathway to alcohol-related problems in a college student sample?
The Appraisal-Disruption Model (ADM) suggests that individuals use alcohol as a means of
dampening negative self-talk. Relationship-contingent self-esteem (RCSE) emerges from …
dampening negative self-talk. Relationship-contingent self-esteem (RCSE) emerges from …
The concept of Narcissistic Personality Disorder–Three levels of analysis for interdisciplinary integration
KA Jacobs - Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022 - frontiersin.org
In this paper, I distinguish three different levels for describing, and three corresponding ways
for understanding, deficient empathy as the core of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) …
for understanding, deficient empathy as the core of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) …