Fluid-elastic interactions near contact at low Reynolds number

B Rallabandi - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2024 - annualreviews.org
Interactions between fluid flow and elastic structures are important in many naturally
occurring and engineered systems. This review collects and organizes recent theoretical …

Swimming in complex fluids

SE Spagnolie, PT Underhill - Annual Review of Condensed …, 2023 - annualreviews.org
We review the literature on swimming in complex fluids. A classification is proposed by
comparing the length-and timescales of a swimmer with those of nearby obstacles …

Tuned, driven, and active soft matter

AM Menzel - Physics reports, 2015 - Elsevier
One characteristic feature of soft matter systems is their strong response to external stimuli.
As a consequence they are comparatively easily driven out of their ground state and out of …

How does a flexible chain of active particles swell?

A Kaiser, S Babel, B ten Hagen, C von Ferber… - The Journal of …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
We study the swelling of a flexible linear chain composed of active particles by analytical
theory and computer simulation. Three different situations are considered: a free chain, a …

A review of micromotors in confinements: Pores, channels, grooves, steps, interfaces, chains, and swimming in the bulk

Z **ao, M Wei, W Wang - ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018 - ACS Publications
One of the recent frontiers of nanotechnology research involves machines that operate at
nano-and microscales, also known as nano/micromotors. Their potential applications in …

Bimetallic microswimmers speed up in confining channels

C Liu, C Zhou, W Wang, HP Zhang - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
Synthetic microswimmers are envisioned to be useful in numerous applications, many of
which occur in tightly confined spaces. It is therefore important to understand how …

Diffusion of bacterial cells in porous media

NA Licata, B Mohari, C Fuqua, S Setayeshgar - Biophysical journal, 2016 - cell.com
The chemotaxis signal transduction network regulates the biased random walk of many
bacteria in favorable directions and away from harmful ones through modulating the …

Unusual swelling of a polymer in a bacterial bath

A Kaiser, H Löwen - The Journal of chemical physics, 2014 - pubs.aip.org
The equilibrium structure and dynamics of a single polymer chain in a thermal solvent is by
now well-understood in terms of scaling laws. Here, we consider a polymer in a bacterial …

Leveraging collective effects in externally driven colloidal suspensions: Experiments and simulations

M Driscoll, B Delmotte - Current opinion in colloid & interface science, 2019 - Elsevier
In this review article, we focus on collective motion in externally driven colloidal
suspensions, as well as how these collective effects can be harnessed for use in microfluidic …

An introduction to the hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms

JM Yeomans, DO Pushkin, H Shum - The European Physical Journal …, 2014 - Springer
This manuscript is a summary of a set of lectures given at the Geilo School 2013 Soft Matter
Confinement: from Biology to Physics. It aims to provide an introduction to the …