Soil constraints in an arid environment—challenges, prospects, and implications
Climate models project that many terrestrial ecosystems will become drier over the course of
this century, leading to a drastic increase in the global extent of arid soils. In order to …
this century, leading to a drastic increase in the global extent of arid soils. In order to …
Prospects of hydrogels in agriculture for enhancing crop and water productivity under water deficit condition
In arid and semiarid regions and under rainfed conditions, water availability is one of the
principal ecological constraints that hinder agriculture's sustainability. The super absorbent …
principal ecological constraints that hinder agriculture's sustainability. The super absorbent …
[HTML][HTML] Materials diversity of hydrogel: Synthesis, polymerization process and soil conditioning properties in agricultural field
Background The cumulative influence of global warming, climate abrupt changes, growing
population, topsoil erosion is becoming a threatening alarm for facing food challenges and …
population, topsoil erosion is becoming a threatening alarm for facing food challenges and …
Superabsorbent polymers as a soil amendment for increasing agriculture production with reducing water losses under water stress condition
With an increasing population, world agriculture is facing many challenges, such as climate
change, urbanization, the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner, runoff losses …
change, urbanization, the use of natural resources in a sustainable manner, runoff losses …
3-Dimensional cross linked hydrophilic polymeric network “hydrogels”: An agriculture boom
N Singh, S Agarwal, A Jain, S Khan - Agricultural Water Management, 2021 - Elsevier
Develo** rapid technologies that improve the food production industry with no harmful
influence on the environment is a prime priority today. Agriculture is one of the most …
influence on the environment is a prime priority today. Agriculture is one of the most …
[HTML][HTML] The impacts of bio-based and synthetic hydrogels on soil hydraulic properties: A review
Soil hydraulic properties are important for the movement and distribution of water in
agricultural soils. The ability of plants to easily extract water from soil can be limited by the …
agricultural soils. The ability of plants to easily extract water from soil can be limited by the …
[HTML][HTML] Applications of absorbent polymers for sustainable plant protection and crop yield
Natural strategies for protecting the environment as well as plant, animal and human health
is considered one of the main goals of developed countries. Recently, the use of absorbent …
is considered one of the main goals of developed countries. Recently, the use of absorbent …
Super absorbent polymers mitigate drought stress in corn (Zea mays L.) grown under rainfed conditions
Under climate change, the rainfall is predicted to become more intense and less frequent,
causing summer drought events and rainwater loss by deep percolation, resulting in both …
causing summer drought events and rainwater loss by deep percolation, resulting in both …
Water availability in different soils in relation to hydrogel application
A study was conducted on PVC columns in the laboratory to investigate the effect of the
application of hydrogel in modifying the hydraulic properties of different soil types. The main …
application of hydrogel in modifying the hydraulic properties of different soil types. The main …
Application of superabsorbent polymers for improving the ecological chemistry of degraded or polluted lands
A Huettermann, LJB Orikiriza… - CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
About 3.5 billion ha of land, which amounts to almost 30% of the total solid land of the world,
has been degraded by human activities. The ecological restoration of these lands is a major …
has been degraded by human activities. The ecological restoration of these lands is a major …