Higher acclimation temperature affects growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) through suppression of GH and IGFs genes expression actuating stress response
Water temperature alone can affect the growth, metabolic rates and physiological responses
of aquatic organisms. Our earlier study reported that higher temperature affects cellular and …
of aquatic organisms. Our earlier study reported that higher temperature affects cellular and …
Additional feeding of vitamin–mineral‐based nutraceutical to stress‐exposed rohu, Labeo rohita, enhances the IGF‐1 gene expression and growth
S Nazeemashahul, N Prasad Sahu… - Aquaculture …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
One thousand and eighty rohu fingerlings with an average size of 8.5±0.5 g were randomly
distributed in 6 distinct experimental groups in triplicates, where the first three groups were …
distributed in 6 distinct experimental groups in triplicates, where the first three groups were …
Effect of restricted feeding and refeeding on compensatory growth, nutrient utilization and gain, production performance and whole body composition of carp cultured …
KN Mohanta, SC Rath, KC Nayak… - Aquaculture …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
To assess the compensatory growth, a 10‐month pond experiment was conducted in which
three species of Indian major carps, viz. Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala (1 …
three species of Indian major carps, viz. Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala (1 …
Compensatory growth responses to food restriction in the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle, Chinemys reevesii
C Xu, W Xu, H Lu - SpringerPlus, 2014 - Springer
Juvenile Chinese three-keeled pond turtles (Chinemys reevesii) were subjected to one of
four different feeding regimens: ad libitum (AL), restricted (R), ad libitum-restricted (AL-R), or …
four different feeding regimens: ad libitum (AL), restricted (R), ad libitum-restricted (AL-R), or …
Effects of dietary manipulation on compensatory growth of juvenile genetically improved farmed tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
W Liu, X Lu, M Jiang, F Wu, J Tian, C Yang… - Fish physiology and …, 2019 - Springer
A 40-day feeding trial was conducted to investigate whether feeding a low-protein diet (25%)
once daily for either 10 (L10H30) or 20 (L20H20) days then re-feeding a high-protein diet …
once daily for either 10 (L10H30) or 20 (L20H20) days then re-feeding a high-protein diet …
Dietary Restriction, Starvation, Compensatory Growth – 'Short-Term Fasting Does Not Kill You: It Can Make You Stronger'
CEW Steinberg, CEW Steinberg - Aquatic Animal Nutrition: A Mechanistic …, 2018 - Springer
In natural systems, short-term food deprivation (dietary restriction, DR; calorie restriction,
CR) occurs frequently and animals have developed strategies to cope with this situation …
CR) occurs frequently and animals have developed strategies to cope with this situation …
Short term ration restriction and re-alimentation: Effect on compensatory growth, body composition and insulin like growth factor gene expression in Cyprinus carpio
S Debbarma, VK Tiwari, AK Reddy, AP Kumar… - Turkish Journal of …, 2019 - trjfas.org
Advanced fry of Cyprinus carpio (mean weight 1.73±0.02 g) were fed at 10%, 25%, 50% and
75% of satiation as different treatment groups and one control group (6 weeks) for first phase …
75% of satiation as different treatment groups and one control group (6 weeks) for first phase …
[HTML][HTML] Modulation of pituitary response by dietary lipids and throughout a temperature fluctuation challenge in Gilthead Sea Bream
S Sánchez-Nuño, SC Silva, PM Guerreiro… - Fishes, 2019 - mdpi.com
Low temperatures provoke drastic reductions in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) activity
and nourishment, leading to growth arrest and a halt in production. However, scarce data …
and nourishment, leading to growth arrest and a halt in production. However, scarce data …
[PDF][PDF] Research Article Cow Urine Distillate as an Ecosafe and Economical Feed Additive for Enhancing Growth, Food Utilization and Survival Rate in Rohu, Labeo …
G Sattanathan, S Venkatalakshmi - 2017 - researchgate.net
Abstract Background and Objective: Freshwater aquaculture has made notable strides in
recent years and now contributes to a third of the total fish production in India. Carp form the …
recent years and now contributes to a third of the total fish production in India. Carp form the …
Mecanismos Moleculares Involucrados en el Crecimiento Muscular del Pargo Flamenco Lutjanus guttatus
MEE ROJAS - 2019 - ciad.repositorioinstitucional.mx
Se investigó el efecto de la fuente de proteína y la restricción total de alimento en el pargo
flamenco Lutjanus guttatus. Primeramente, se generó un transcriptoma de referencia a partir …
flamenco Lutjanus guttatus. Primeramente, se generó un transcriptoma de referencia a partir …