The potential for acoustic individual identification in mammals
Many studies have revealed that animal vocalizations, including those from mammals, are
individually distinctive. Therefore, acoustic identification of individuals (AIID) has been …
individually distinctive. Therefore, acoustic identification of individuals (AIID) has been …
Bioacoustic time capsules: Using acoustic monitoring to document biodiversity
In the current extinction crisis, emerging technologies can support the urgent need to
document biodiversity worldwide. Automated acoustic recorders are increasingly being used …
document biodiversity worldwide. Automated acoustic recorders are increasingly being used …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of soundscapes as an ecological tool
Whether listening in a forest or on an open plain, by the side of a river or in the ocean, at the
outskirts of suburbia or right downtown, the Earth abounds with sounds. The use of the term …
outskirts of suburbia or right downtown, the Earth abounds with sounds. The use of the term …
[HTML][HTML] Automated detection of gunshots in tropical forests using convolutional neural networks
Unsustainable hunting is one of the leading drivers of global biodiversity loss, yet very few
direct measures exist due to the difficulty in monitoring this cryptic activity. Where guns are …
direct measures exist due to the difficulty in monitoring this cryptic activity. Where guns are …
Utilizing DeepSqueak for automatic detection and classification of mammalian vocalizations: a case study on primate vocalizations
D Romero-Mujalli, T Bergmann, A Zimmermann… - Scientific reports, 2021 - nature.com
Bioacoustic analyses of animal vocalizations are predominantly accomplished through
manual scanning, a highly subjective and time-consuming process. Thus, validated …
manual scanning, a highly subjective and time-consuming process. Thus, validated …
Vegetation structure and temporality influence the dominance, diversity, and composition of forest acoustic communities
Bioacoustic methods analyze sounds to monitor wildlife in forests, providing novel
perspectives to understand the relationship between forest vegetation structure and wildlife …
perspectives to understand the relationship between forest vegetation structure and wildlife …
Estimating the diversity of tropical anurans in fragmented landscapes with acoustic monitoring: lessons from a sampling sufficiency perspective
Determining the distribution and abundance of populations is the first step toward assessing
biodiversity conservation status. This step is based on field observations that are largely …
biodiversity conservation status. This step is based on field observations that are largely …
Passive Acoustic Monitoring in difficult terrains: the case of the Principe Scops-Owl
Many species are difficult to study either due to their rarity, elusiveness, difficult access to
their area of occurrence, or any combination of these. This can be particularly problematic …
their area of occurrence, or any combination of these. This can be particularly problematic …
Small-scale dung survey reveals high forest elephant density and preference for mixed species forest in an intact protected area
T Breuer, M Breuer-Ndoundou Hockemba… - Biodiversity and …, 2021 - Springer
Understanding the ecological factors influencing African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis)
abundance and distribution is crucial for their conservation management in Central Africa …
abundance and distribution is crucial for their conservation management in Central Africa …
[PDF][PDF] Spatio-temporal variation of dugongs' habitat use and vessel traffic revealed by underwater acoustics information: Toward harmonized coastal management
K Tanaka - 2023 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
In coastal seas, human and ecological elements closely interact and are strongly interlinked.
Thus, considering proper Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to foster harmonized and …
Thus, considering proper Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to foster harmonized and …