Openstl: A comprehensive benchmark of spatio-temporal predictive learning
Spatio-temporal predictive learning is a learning paradigm that enables models to learn
spatial and temporal patterns by predicting future frames from given past frames in an …
spatial and temporal patterns by predicting future frames from given past frames in an …
Proteininvbench: Benchmarking protein inverse folding on diverse tasks, models, and metrics
Protein inverse folding has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, we
observe that current methods are usually limited to the CATH dataset and the recovery …
observe that current methods are usually limited to the CATH dataset and the recovery …
PiFold: Toward effective and efficient protein inverse folding
How can we design protein sequences folding into the desired structures effectively and
efficiently? AI methods for structure-based protein design have attracted increasing attention …
efficiently? AI methods for structure-based protein design have attracted increasing attention …
Dealmvc: Dual contrastive calibration for multi-view clustering
Benefiting from the strong view-consistent information mining capacity, multi-view
contrastive clustering has attracted plenty of attention in recent years. However, we observe …
contrastive clustering has attracted plenty of attention in recent years. However, we observe …
Vmrnn: Integrating vision mamba and lstm for efficient and accurate spatiotemporal forecasting
Abstract Combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Vision Transformers (ViTs)
with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for spatiotemporal forecasting has yielded …
with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for spatiotemporal forecasting has yielded …
Earthfarsser: Versatile spatio-temporal dynamical systems modeling in one model
Efficiently modeling spatio-temporal (ST) physical processes and observations presents a
challenging problem for the deep learning community. Many recent studies have …
challenging problem for the deep learning community. Many recent studies have …
Deep learning improves global satellite observations of ocean eddy dynamics
Ocean eddies affect large‐scale circulation and induce a kinetic energy cascade through
their non‐linear interactions. However, since global observations of eddy dynamics come …
their non‐linear interactions. However, since global observations of eddy dynamics come …
Mixed graph contrastive network for semi-supervised node classification
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved promising performance in semi-supervised
node classification in recent years. However, the problem of insufficient supervision …
node classification in recent years. However, the problem of insufficient supervision …
Predbench: Benchmarking spatio-temporal prediction across diverse disciplines
In this paper, we introduce PredBench, a benchmark tailored for the holistic evaluation of
spatio-temporal prediction networks. Despite significant progress in this field, there remains …
spatio-temporal prediction networks. Despite significant progress in this field, there remains …
Precipitation nowcasting with generative diffusion models
In recent years traditional numerical methods for accurate weather prediction have been
increasingly challenged by deep learning methods. Numerous historical datasets used for …
increasingly challenged by deep learning methods. Numerous historical datasets used for …