Targeted liposomal drug delivery: a nanoscience and biophysical perspective
Y Liu, KMC Bravo, J Liu - Nanoscale Horizons, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Liposomes are a unique platform for drug delivery, and a number of liposomal formulations
have already been commercialized. Doxil is a representative example, which uses …
have already been commercialized. Doxil is a representative example, which uses …
Lipid21: complex lipid membrane simulations with AMBER
We extend the modular AMBER lipid force field to include anionic lipids, polyunsaturated
fatty acid (PUFA) lipids, and sphingomyelin, allowing the simulation of realistic cell …
fatty acid (PUFA) lipids, and sphingomyelin, allowing the simulation of realistic cell …
Mechanistic understanding from molecular dynamics in pharmaceutical research 2: lipid membrane in drug design
We review the use of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation as a drug design tool in the
context of the role that the lipid membrane can play in drug action, ie, the interaction …
context of the role that the lipid membrane can play in drug action, ie, the interaction …
Overlay databank unlocks data-driven analyses of biomolecules for all
Tools based on artificial intelligence (AI) are currently revolutionising many fields, yet their
applications are often limited by the lack of suitable training data in programmatically …
applications are often limited by the lack of suitable training data in programmatically …
Effective inclusion of electronic polarization improves the description of electrostatic interactions: The prosECCo75 biomolecular force field
prosECCo75 is an optimized force field effectively incorporating electronic polarization via
charge scaling. It aims to enhance the accuracy of nominally nonpolarizable molecular …
charge scaling. It aims to enhance the accuracy of nominally nonpolarizable molecular …
Amyloid-β peptide dimers undergo a random coil to β-sheet transition in the aqueous phase but not at the neuronal membrane
Mounting evidence suggests that the neuronal cell membrane is the main site of oligomer-
mediated neuronal toxicity of amyloid-β peptides in Alzheimer's disease. To gain a detailed …
mediated neuronal toxicity of amyloid-β peptides in Alzheimer's disease. To gain a detailed …
Quantitative comparison against experiments reveals imperfections in force fields' descriptions of popc–cholesterol interactions
Cholesterol is a central building block in biomembranes, where it induces orientational
order, slows diffusion, renders the membrane stiffer, and drives domain formation. Molecular …
order, slows diffusion, renders the membrane stiffer, and drives domain formation. Molecular …
Optimization of slipids force field parameters describing headgroups of phospholipids
F Grote, AP Lyubartsev - The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2020 - ACS Publications
The molecular mechanics force field Slipids developed in a series of works by Jämbeck
and Lyubartsev (J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 3164–3179; J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012 …
and Lyubartsev (J. Phys. Chem. B 2012, 116, 3164–3179; J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012 …
Structure of POPC lipid bilayers in OPLS3e force field
It is crucial for molecular dynamics simulations of biomembranes that the force field
parameters give a realistic model of the membrane behavior. In this study, we examined the …
parameters give a realistic model of the membrane behavior. In this study, we examined the …
Semi-automated optimization of the CHARMM36 lipid force field to include explicit treatment of long-range dispersion
The development of the CHARMM lipid force field (FF) can be traced back to the early 1990s
with its current version denoted CHARMM36 (C36). The parametrization of C36 utilized high …
with its current version denoted CHARMM36 (C36). The parametrization of C36 utilized high …