A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities: E-FEM vs X-FEM
A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities by means of
elemental (E-FEM) or nodal enrichments (X-FEM) is presented. Based on the same …
elemental (E-FEM) or nodal enrichments (X-FEM) is presented. Based on the same …
Three‐dimensional fracture simulations based on the SDA
C Feist, G Hofstetter - … for Numerical and Analytical Methods in …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
A numerical model within the framework of a non‐symmetric strong discontinuity approach
(SDA) suitable for fracture simulations of plain concrete is presented. The model is based on …
(SDA) suitable for fracture simulations of plain concrete is presented. The model is based on …
[PDF][PDF] Stochastic crack growth simulation in reinforced concrete structures by means of coupled finite element and meshless methods
T Most - 2005 - core.ac.uk
Mein besonderer Dank gilt Herrn Professor Christian Bucher für die Anregung und
Förderung dieser Arbeit sowie für die hervorragende Betreuung. Besonders wertvoll waren …
Förderung dieser Arbeit sowie für die hervorragende Betreuung. Besonders wertvoll waren …
[PDF][PDF] Multilevel modeling of fiber-reinforced concrete and application to numerical simulations of tunnel lining segments
Y Zhan - 2016 - d-nb.info
Aiming at the model-based analysis, design and optimization of engineering structures such
as segmental tunnel linings made of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), a multilevel modeling …
as segmental tunnel linings made of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), a multilevel modeling …
[PDF][PDF] Finite element analysis of RC beams retrofitted with fibre reinforced polymers
G Simonelli - Report, London, 2005 - fedoa.unina.it
Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) have been used for many years in the aerospace and
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …
[Књига][B] Un modelo del fallo material en el hormigón armado, mediante la metodología de discontinuidades fuertes de continuo y la teoría de mezclas
Un Modelo de Fallo Material en el Hormigón Armado, mediante la Metodología de
Discontinuidades Fuertes de Continuo y la Teorí Page 1 CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE …
Discontinuidades Fuertes de Continuo y la Teorí Page 1 CENTRO INTERNACIONAL DE …
Stabilized mixed finite elements with embedded strong discontinuities for shear band modeling
A stabilized mixed finite element with elemental embedded strong discontinuities for shear
band modeling is presented. The discrete constitutive model, representing the cohesive …
band modeling is presented. The discrete constitutive model, representing the cohesive …
[PDF][PDF] Elemento Finito Estabilizado Con Discontinuidades Fuertes Embebidas Para Plasticidad Isocorica.
P Sanchez, V Sonzogni, A Huespe - Mecánica Computacional, 2004 - amcaonline.org.ar
Se propone la formulación de un elemento finito mixto estabilizado con discontinuidades
fuertes embebidas para el modelado de mecanismos de falla en plasticidad isoc órica. Para …
fuertes embebidas para el modelado de mecanismos de falla en plasticidad isoc órica. Para …
Multibody Contact Algorithms for Fracturing Solids
Processes in which localizations lead to fracture are common for brittle materials. To
simulate these problems methods have to be designed that allow for crack detection and …
simulate these problems methods have to be designed that allow for crack detection and …
F De Cicco - fedoa.unina.it
Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) have been used for many years in the aerospace and
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …