A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities: E-FEM vs X-FEM

J Oliver, AE Huespe, PJ Sánchez - Computer methods in applied …, 2006 - Elsevier
A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities by means of
elemental (E-FEM) or nodal enrichments (X-FEM) is presented. Based on the same …

Three‐dimensional fracture simulations based on the SDA

C Feist, G Hofstetter - … for Numerical and Analytical Methods in …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
A numerical model within the framework of a non‐symmetric strong discontinuity approach
(SDA) suitable for fracture simulations of plain concrete is presented. The model is based on …

[PDF][PDF] Stochastic crack growth simulation in reinforced concrete structures by means of coupled finite element and meshless methods

T Most - 2005 - core.ac.uk
Mein besonderer Dank gilt Herrn Professor Christian Bucher für die Anregung und
Förderung dieser Arbeit sowie für die hervorragende Betreuung. Besonders wertvoll waren …

[PDF][PDF] Multilevel modeling of fiber-reinforced concrete and application to numerical simulations of tunnel lining segments

Y Zhan - 2016 - d-nb.info
Aiming at the model-based analysis, design and optimization of engineering structures such
as segmental tunnel linings made of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), a multilevel modeling …

[PDF][PDF] Finite element analysis of RC beams retrofitted with fibre reinforced polymers

G Simonelli - Report, London, 2005 - fedoa.unina.it
Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) have been used for many years in the aerospace and
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …

Stabilized mixed finite elements with embedded strong discontinuities for shear band modeling

PJ Sánchez, V Sonzogni, AE Huespe, J Oliver - 2006 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
A stabilized mixed finite element with elemental embedded strong discontinuities for shear
band modeling is presented. The discrete constitutive model, representing the cohesive …

[PDF][PDF] Elemento Finito Estabilizado Con Discontinuidades Fuertes Embebidas Para Plasticidad Isocorica.

P Sanchez, V Sonzogni, A Huespe - Mecánica Computacional, 2004 - amcaonline.org.ar
Se propone la formulación de un elemento finito mixto estabilizado con discontinuidades
fuertes embebidas para el modelado de mecanismos de falla en plasticidad isoc órica. Para …

Multibody Contact Algorithms for Fracturing Solids

P Wriggers, S Reese - Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for …, 2011 - Springer
Processes in which localizations lead to fracture are common for brittle materials. To
simulate these problems methods have to be designed that allow for crack detection and …


F De Cicco - fedoa.unina.it
Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) have been used for many years in the aerospace and
automotive industries. In the construction industry they can be used for cladding or for …