Role of soil erosion in biogeochemical cycling of essential elements: carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
Most of Earth's terrestrial surface is made up of slo** landscapes. The lateral distribution
of topsoil by erosion controls the availability, stock, and persistence of essential elements in …
of topsoil by erosion controls the availability, stock, and persistence of essential elements in …
SOM fractionation methods: relevance to functional pools and to stabilization mechanisms
Soil organic matter (SOM) consists of various functional pools that are stabilized by specific
mechanisms and have certain turnover rates. For the development of mechanistic models …
mechanisms and have certain turnover rates. For the development of mechanistic models …
Harvest impacts on soil carbon storage in temperate forests
Forest soil carbon (C) storage is a significant component of the global C cycle, and is
important for sustaining forest productivity. Although forest management may have …
important for sustaining forest productivity. Although forest management may have …
The depth distribution of soil organic carbon in relation to land use and management and the potential of carbon sequestration in subsoil horizons
K Lorenz, R Lal - Advances in agronomy, 2005 - Elsevier
Routine soil surveys for estimating the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool account for a soil
depth of about 1 m. Deeper soil horizons, however, may have a high capacity to sequester …
depth of about 1 m. Deeper soil horizons, however, may have a high capacity to sequester …
A review and evaluation of stemflow literature in the hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles of forested and agricultural ecosystems
DF Levia Jr, EE Frost - Journal of hydrology, 2003 - Elsevier
Stemflow is a spatially localized point input of precipitation and solutes at the plant stem and
is of hydrological and ecological significance in forested and agricultural ecosystems. The …
is of hydrological and ecological significance in forested and agricultural ecosystems. The …
Stabilization of dissolved organic matter by sorption to the mineral soil
The main process by which dissolved organic matter (DOM) is retained in forest soils is likely
to be sorption in the mineral horizons that adds to stabilized organic matter (OM) pools. The …
to be sorption in the mineral horizons that adds to stabilized organic matter (OM) pools. The …
The effect of harvest on forest soil carbon: A meta-analysis
Forest soils represent a substantial portion of the terrestrial carbon (C) pool, and changes to
soil C cycling are globally significant not only for C sequestration but also for sustaining …
soil C cycling are globally significant not only for C sequestration but also for sustaining …
Strengthening the soil organic carbon pool by increasing contributions from recalcitrant aliphatic bio (macro) molecules
Photosynthetically fixed CO2 is converted into terrestrial bio (macro) molecules and
sequestered as soil organic matter (SOM) by (bio) chemical and physical stabilization …
sequestered as soil organic matter (SOM) by (bio) chemical and physical stabilization …
Contribution of dissolved organic matter to carbon storage in forest mineral soils
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is often considered the most labile portion of organic matter
in soil and to be negligible with respect to the accumulation of soil C. In this short review, we …
in soil and to be negligible with respect to the accumulation of soil C. In this short review, we …
Paradigm shifts in soil organic matter research affect interpretations of aquatic carbon cycling: transcending disciplinary and ecosystem boundaries
E Marín-Spiotta, KE Gruley, J Crawford, EE Atkinson… - Biogeochemistry, 2014 - Springer
New conceptual models that highlight the importance of environmental, rather than
molecular, controls on soil organic matter affect interpretations of organic matter (OM) …
molecular, controls on soil organic matter affect interpretations of organic matter (OM) …