Multi-informant ratings of childhood limited prosocial emotions: Mother, father, and teacher perspectives
Objective Modest agreement between mothers', fathers', and teachers' reports of child
psychopathology can cause diagnostic ambiguity. Despite this, there is little research on …
psychopathology can cause diagnostic ambiguity. Despite this, there is little research on …
Parent, teacher, and youth reports on measures of reactive and proactive aggression
Background More research is needed to improve measurement selection and to better
understand informant differences in reports of reactive and proactive aggression. Objective …
understand informant differences in reports of reactive and proactive aggression. Objective …
Associations between forms of aggression and peer victimization: Does prosocial behavior matter?
Relatively little is known regarding factors that may mitigate the strength of the associations
between forms of aggressive behavior and peer victimization. The goal of the current study …
between forms of aggressive behavior and peer victimization. The goal of the current study …
[HTML][HTML] Exploring Children's Self-Reports of Victimisation Experiences and Solitary, Prosocial, and Aggressive Behaviours
K Rix, CP Monks - Psychology International, 2024 - mdpi.com
Young children's social behaviour plays an important role in their lives. Most research
makes use of reports from adults and peers, rather than speaking to young children about …
makes use of reports from adults and peers, rather than speaking to young children about …
[BOOK][B] Examination of Rating Discrepancies in Multi-Informant Assessments of Childhood Behaviors Across Domains: A Meta-Analytic Study
C Jungersen - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Throughout the literature, there is a well-documented discrepancy between rating of
children's behaviors across different informants, typically parents and teachers. Many …
children's behaviors across different informants, typically parents and teachers. Many …
Symptoms of Aggression Functions and Sleep: A Network Analysis Approach
EC Tampke - 2022 - search.proquest.com
More research is needed to understand how aggression is associated with problematic
sleep, which is both a cause and consequence of aggression. Previous work has used factor …
sleep, which is both a cause and consequence of aggression. Previous work has used factor …
[PDF][PDF] Agressie en Opgroeien in een Omgeving met Middelenmisbruik: Invloed van Zelfcontrole
GAA van Iersel - 2021 - arno.uvt.nl
In de huidige studie werd onderzocht wat de invloed is van zelfcontrole op de relatie tussen
agressie en opgroeien in een omgeving met of zonder middelenmisbruik. Hiertoe werden …
agressie en opgroeien in een omgeving met of zonder middelenmisbruik. Hiertoe werden …