Multi-informant ratings of childhood limited prosocial emotions: Mother, father, and teacher perspectives

PJ Castagna, DA Waschbusch - Journal of Clinical Child & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Objective Modest agreement between mothers', fathers', and teachers' reports of child
psychopathology can cause diagnostic ambiguity. Despite this, there is little research on …

Parent, teacher, and youth reports on measures of reactive and proactive aggression

PJ Fite, SC Evans, EC Tampke, R Griffith - Child & youth care forum, 2024 - Springer
Background More research is needed to improve measurement selection and to better
understand informant differences in reports of reactive and proactive aggression. Objective …

Associations between forms of aggression and peer victimization: Does prosocial behavior matter?

CR Sanchez, JL Cooley, DE Winters… - Development and …, 2025 -
Relatively little is known regarding factors that may mitigate the strength of the associations
between forms of aggressive behavior and peer victimization. The goal of the current study …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring Children's Self-Reports of Victimisation Experiences and Solitary, Prosocial, and Aggressive Behaviours

K Rix, CP Monks - Psychology International, 2024 -
Young children's social behaviour plays an important role in their lives. Most research
makes use of reports from adults and peers, rather than speaking to young children about …

[BOOK][B] Examination of Rating Discrepancies in Multi-Informant Assessments of Childhood Behaviors Across Domains: A Meta-Analytic Study

C Jungersen - 2023 -
Throughout the literature, there is a well-documented discrepancy between rating of
children's behaviors across different informants, typically parents and teachers. Many …

Symptoms of Aggression Functions and Sleep: A Network Analysis Approach

EC Tampke - 2022 -
More research is needed to understand how aggression is associated with problematic
sleep, which is both a cause and consequence of aggression. Previous work has used factor …

[PDF][PDF] Agressie en Opgroeien in een Omgeving met Middelenmisbruik: Invloed van Zelfcontrole

GAA van Iersel - 2021 -
In de huidige studie werd onderzocht wat de invloed is van zelfcontrole op de relatie tussen
agressie en opgroeien in een omgeving met of zonder middelenmisbruik. Hiertoe werden …