A broader context for land use and travel behavior, and a research agenda
MG Boarnet - Journal of the American Planning Association, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Problem: Planning studies of land use and travel behavior focus on regression analysis of
travel as a function of traveler demographics and land use near study subjects' residences …
travel as a function of traveler demographics and land use near study subjects' residences …
The influence of built environment and travel attitudes on walking: A case study of Porto Alegre, Brazil
Studies conducted in cities from developed countries reveal associations between travel
behavior and built environment. A priori we would expect that most of these associations …
behavior and built environment. A priori we would expect that most of these associations …
Linking urban transport and land use in develo** countries
R Cervero - Journal of transport and land use, 2013 - JSTOR
The mobility challenges of the develo** world are considerably different than those in
wealthier, advanced countries, and so are the challenges of coordinating transportation and …
wealthier, advanced countries, and so are the challenges of coordinating transportation and …
Activity-based human mobility patterns inferred from mobile phone data: A case study of Singapore
In this study, with Singapore as an example, we demonstrate how we can use mobile phone
call detail record (CDR) data, which contains millions of anonymous users, to extract …
call detail record (CDR) data, which contains millions of anonymous users, to extract …
BRT TOD: Leveraging transit oriented development with bus rapid transit investments
R Cervero, D Dai - Transport Policy, 2014 - Elsevier
Bus rapid transit (BRT) systems have gained prominence worldwide as a cost-effective
alternative to urban rail investments. However, some question the city-sha** potential of …
alternative to urban rail investments. However, some question the city-sha** potential of …
The built environment and motor vehicle ownership and use: Evidence from Santiago de Chile
C Zegras - Urban Studies, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper examines the relationships between the built environment—both
'neighborhood'design characteristics and relative location—and motor vehicle ownership …
'neighborhood'design characteristics and relative location—and motor vehicle ownership …
Location and agglomeration: The distribution of retail and food businesses in dense urban environments
A Sevtsuk - Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
This article analyzes location patterns of retail and food establishments, whose presence
constitutes an important aspect of livable and walkable neighborhoods. Using approximately …
constitutes an important aspect of livable and walkable neighborhoods. Using approximately …
Path and place: a study of urban geometry and retail activity in Cambridge and Somerville, MA
A Sevtsuk - 2010 - dspace.mit.edu
This dissertation investigates retail location patterns in urban settings--a domain that has
received relatively little attention in recent decades. We analyze which land use, urban form …
received relatively little attention in recent decades. We analyze which land use, urban form …
Patronage of urban commercial clusters: A network-based extension of the Huff model for balancing location and size
We introduce a version of the Huff retail expenditure model, where retail demand depends
on households' access to retail centers. Household-level survey data suggest that total retail …
on households' access to retail centers. Household-level survey data suggest that total retail …
[HTML][HTML] Urban dynamics and Gen-Z mobility: The influence of land use diversity and density on daily trip patterns in Indonesia
This study aims to assess the impact of land use—specifically land diversity and density—on
the trip patterns of Gen-Z in develo** cities like Indonesia, where public transport …
the trip patterns of Gen-Z in develo** cities like Indonesia, where public transport …