Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Early Childhood Abilities in Creative Thinking
The study below examines the development of students' critical and creative thinking
abilities through the use of article reviews and the Problem Based Learning instructional …
abilities through the use of article reviews and the Problem Based Learning instructional …
Problem-based learning, its usability and critical view as educational learning tools
So far the learningprocess that takes place in several countries, including developed
countries, is still dominated by a paradigm which states that knowledge is a set of factsthat …
countries, is still dominated by a paradigm which states that knowledge is a set of factsthat …
Designing interactive games for improving elementary school students' number sense
Abstract Number sense is an essential primary mathematics material in elementary school
that students must master. Learning media may be utilized in elementary schools' teaching …
that students must master. Learning media may be utilized in elementary schools' teaching …
Eighth-grades students' mental models in solving a number pattern problem
This study aims to explore all the types of students' mental models of number patterns. The
study used a qualitative approach with an explorative type. The subjects used to …
study used a qualitative approach with an explorative type. The subjects used to …
Problem-solving Strategy: Mathematical Problem-solving Model Within the Polya'Framework
LN Pradana - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 - knepublishing.com
Mathematical problem-solving is very important for students to learn and understand, which
can later be used in solving problems that exist in everyday life. This study aims to analyze …
can later be used in solving problems that exist in everyday life. This study aims to analyze …
Mathematical problem solving for students in the superior Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Category
Mathematical problem solving is indispensable in learning mathematics. Problem solving
also requires very high intelligence, including the superior intelligence quotient (IQ) …
also requires very high intelligence, including the superior intelligence quotient (IQ) …
Proactive interference of seventh grade students in solving problems of the greatest common divisor
Problem-solving is a critical element in learning mathematics. The way students solve
problems can be identified using the Polya problem-solving process. Nonetheless, some …
problems can be identified using the Polya problem-solving process. Nonetheless, some …
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[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Problem-solving Strategy: Mathematical Problem-solving Model Within the Polya'Framework
L Nico Pradana - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 - Knowledge E