Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Early Childhood Abilities in Creative Thinking

PW Wijayanto, N Priyatiningsih, H Herman, S Sudadi… - 2023 -
The study below examines the development of students' critical and creative thinking
abilities through the use of article reviews and the Problem Based Learning instructional …

Problem-based learning, its usability and critical view as educational learning tools

R Ramadhani, S Huda, R Umam - Journal of Gifted Education and …, 2019 -
So far the learningprocess that takes place in several countries, including developed
countries, is still dominated by a paradigm which states that knowledge is a set of factsthat …

Designing interactive games for improving elementary school students' number sense

N Hermita, JA Alim, ZH Putra… - Al-Jabar: Jurnal …, 2021 -
Abstract Number sense is an essential primary mathematics material in elementary school
that students must master. Learning media may be utilized in elementary schools' teaching …

Eighth-grades students' mental models in solving a number pattern problem

N Prayekti, T Nusantara, S Sudirman… - Journal for the …, 2020 -
This study aims to explore all the types of students' mental models of number patterns. The
study used a qualitative approach with an explorative type. The subjects used to …

Problem-solving Strategy: Mathematical Problem-solving Model Within the Polya'Framework

LN Pradana - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 -
Mathematical problem-solving is very important for students to learn and understand, which
can later be used in solving problems that exist in everyday life. This study aims to analyze …

Mathematical problem solving for students in the superior Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Category

S Wulandari, E Susanti, S Harini - MEJ (Mathematics …, 2021 -
Mathematical problem solving is indispensable in learning mathematics. Problem solving
also requires very high intelligence, including the superior intelligence quotient (IQ) …

Proactive interference of seventh grade students in solving problems of the greatest common divisor

AP Lestari, E Hidayanto, S Sukoriyanto - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021 -
Problem-solving is a critical element in learning mathematics. The way students solve
problems can be identified using the Polya problem-solving process. Nonetheless, some …

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[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Problem-solving Strategy: Mathematical Problem-solving Model Within the Polya'Framework

L Nico Pradana - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 - Knowledge E