Mechanisms of fluorescence blinking in semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots
The light-induced spectral diffusion and fluorescence intermittency (blinking) of
semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots are investigated theoretically using a diffusion …
semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots are investigated theoretically using a diffusion …
Optical transitions in quantum ring complexes
Making use of a droplet-epitaxial technique, we realize nanometer-sized quantum ring
complexes, consisting of a well-defined inner ring and an outer ring. Electronic structure …
complexes, consisting of a well-defined inner ring and an outer ring. Electronic structure …
Many-body theory of carrier capture and relaxation in semiconductor quantum-dot lasers
In quantum-dot laser devices containing a quasi-two-dimensional wetting layer, a pump
process initially populates the wetting-layer states. The scattering of carriers from these …
process initially populates the wetting-layer states. The scattering of carriers from these …
Advanced quantum dot configurations
We present an overview on approaches currently employed to fabricate advanced quantum
dot configurations by epitaxial growth. Widely investigated self-assembled quantum dots, ie …
dot configurations by epitaxial growth. Widely investigated self-assembled quantum dots, ie …
Submicrosecond correlations in photoluminescence from InAs quantum dots
Photon correlation measurements reveal memory effects in the optical emission of single
InAs quantum dots with time scales from 10 to 800 ns. With above-band optical excitation, a …
InAs quantum dots with time scales from 10 to 800 ns. With above-band optical excitation, a …
Unified model of droplet epitaxy for compound semiconductor nanostructures: experiments and theory
We present a unified model of compound semiconductor growth based on kinetic Monte
Carlo simulations in tandem with experimental results that can describe and predict the …
Carlo simulations in tandem with experimental results that can describe and predict the …
Wetting layer and size effects on the nonlinear optical properties of semi oblate and prolate Si0. 7Ge0. 3/Si quantum dots
Semi oblate and semi prolate are among the most probable self-organized nanostructures
shapes. The optoelectronic properties of such nanostructures are not just manipulated with …
shapes. The optoelectronic properties of such nanostructures are not just manipulated with …
Atomic scale analysis of self assembled GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy
In this letter we have performed a structural analysis at the atomic scale of GaAs/AlGaAs
quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy. The shape, composition, and strain of the quantum …
quantum dots grown by droplet epitaxy. The shape, composition, and strain of the quantum …
Homogeneous broadening in quantum dots due to Auger scattering with wetting layer carriers
The homogeneous broadening in semiconductor quantum dot (QD) lasers and optical
amplifiers is studied theoretically. Based on a model for the electronic states of the coupled …
amplifiers is studied theoretically. Based on a model for the electronic states of the coupled …
Picosecond nonlinear relaxation of photoinjected carriers in a single quantum dot
Photoemission from a single self-organized G a A s/A l 0.3 Ga 0.7 As quantum dot (QD) is
temporally resolved with picosecond time resolution. The emission spectra consisting of the …
temporally resolved with picosecond time resolution. The emission spectra consisting of the …