An observational overview of solar flares

L Fletcher, BR Dennis, HS Hudson, S Krucker… - Space science …, 2011‏ - Springer
We present an overview of solar flares and associated phenomena, drawing upon a wide
range of observational data primarily from the RHESSI era. Following an introductory …

Extreme ultra-violet spectroscopy of the lower solar atmosphere during solar flares (invited review)

RO Milligan - Solar Physics, 2015‏ - Springer
The extreme ultra-violet (EUV) portion of the solar spectrum contains a wealth of diagnostic
tools for probing the lower solar atmosphere in response to an injection of energy …

Detection of flare multiperiodic pulsations in mid-ultraviolet Balmer continuum, Lyα, hard X-ray, and radio emissions simultaneously

D Li, M Ge, M Dominique, H Zhao, G Li… - The Astrophysical …, 2021‏ -
Abstract Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs), which usually appear as temporal pulsations of
the total flux, are frequently detected in the light curves of solar/stellar flares. In this study, we …

The spectral content of SDO/AIA 1600 and 1700 Å filters from flare and plage observations

PJA Simões, HAS Reid, RO Milligan… - The Astrophysical …, 2019‏ -
The strong enhancement of the ultraviolet emission during solar flares is usually taken as an
indication of plasma heating in the lower solar atmosphere caused by the deposition of the …

Quasi-periodic pulsation detected in Lyα emission during solar flares

D Li, L Lu, Z Ning, L Feng, W Gan… - The Astrophysical …, 2020‏ -
We investigated the quasi-periodic pulsation (QPP) in Lyα, X-ray, and extreme-ultraviolet
(EUV) emissions during two solar flares, ie, an X-class (SOL2012-01-27T) and a C-class …

Observational analysis of Lyα emission in equivalent-magnitude solar flares

HJ Greatorex, RO Milligan… - The Astrophysical …, 2023‏ -
The chromospheric Lyα line of neutral hydrogen (1216 Å) is the most intense emission line
in the solar spectrum, yet until recently observations of flare-related Lyα emission have been …

Observations of enhanced extreme ultraviolet continua during an X-class solar flare using SDO/EVE

RO Milligan, PC Chamberlin, HS Hudson… - The Astrophysical …, 2012‏ -
Observations of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission from an X-class solar flare that occurred
on 2011 February 15 at 01: 44 UT are presented, obtained using the EUV Variability …

Quasi-Periodic Pulsations Detected in Ly  and Nonthermal Emissions During Solar Flares

L Lu, D Li, Z Ning, L Feng, W Gan - Solar Physics, 2021‏ - Springer
We report quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) with double periods during three solar flares
(viz. SOL2011-Feb-15T01: 44, SOL2011-Sep-25T04: 31, SOL2012-May-17T01: 25). The …

Lyman‐alpha variability during solar flares over solar cycle 24 using GOES‐15/EUVS‐E

RO Milligan, HS Hudson, PC Chamberlin… - Space …, 2020‏ - Wiley Online Library
The chromospheric Lyman‐alpha line of neutral hydrogen (Ly α; 1216 Å) is the strongest
emission line in the solar spectrum. Fluctuations in Ly α are known to drive changes in …

First detection of solar flare emission in mid-ultraviolet Balmer continuum

M Dominique, AN Zhukov, P Heinzel… - The Astrophysical …, 2018‏ -
We present the first detection of solar flare emission at mid-ultraviolet wavelengths around
2000 Å by the channel 2 of the Large-Yield RAdiometer (LYRA) on board the PRoject for …