Theory and simulations of ionic liquids in nanoconfinement
Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have exciting properties such as nonvolatility, large
electrochemical windows, and remarkable variety, drawing much interest in energy storage …
electrochemical windows, and remarkable variety, drawing much interest in energy storage …
Microscopic simulations of electrochemical double-layer capacitors
Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) are devices allowing the storage or
production of electricity. They function through the adsorption of ions from an electrolyte on …
production of electricity. They function through the adsorption of ions from an electrolyte on …
Structural disorder determines capacitance in nanoporous carbons
The difficulty in characterizing the complex structures of nanoporous carbon electrodes has
led to a lack of clear design principles with which to improve supercapacitors. Pore size has …
led to a lack of clear design principles with which to improve supercapacitors. Pore size has …
High energy density supercapacitors: an overview of efficient electrode materials, electrolytes, design, and fabrication
Supercapacitors (SCs) are potentially trustworthy energy storage devices, therefore getting
huge attention from researchers. However, due to limited capacitance and low energy …
huge attention from researchers. However, due to limited capacitance and low energy …
Electrode material–ionic liquid coupling for electrochemical energy storage
The development of new electrolyte and electrode designs and compositions has led to
advances in electrochemical energy-storage (EES) devices over the past decade. However …
advances in electrochemical energy-storage (EES) devices over the past decade. However …
Probing the energy conversion process in piezoelectric-driven electrochemical self-charging supercapacitor power cell using piezoelectrochemical spectroscopy
The design and development of self-charging supercapacitor power cells are rapidly gaining
interest due to their ability to convert and store energy in an integrated device. Here, we …
interest due to their ability to convert and store energy in an integrated device. Here, we …
Efficient storage mechanisms for building better supercapacitors
Supercapacitors are electrochemical energy storage devices that operate on the simple
mechanism of adsorption of ions from an electrolyte on a high-surface-area electrode. Over …
mechanism of adsorption of ions from an electrolyte on a high-surface-area electrode. Over …
New perspectives on the charging mechanisms of supercapacitors
Supercapacitors (or electric double-layer capacitors) are high-power energy storage devices
that store charge at the interface between porous carbon electrodes and an electrolyte …
that store charge at the interface between porous carbon electrodes and an electrolyte …
Carbon electrodes for capacitive technologies
An overview of capacitive technologies based on carbon materials (energy storage in
electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), capacitive deionization (CDI), energy harvesting …
electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), capacitive deionization (CDI), energy harvesting …
Direct observation of ion dynamics in supercapacitor electrodes using in situ diffusion NMR spectroscopy
Ionic transport inside porous carbon electrodes underpins the storage of energy in
supercapacitors and the rate at which they can charge and discharge, yet few studies have …
supercapacitors and the rate at which they can charge and discharge, yet few studies have …