Synthetic photoelectrochemistry
Photoredox catalysis (PRC) and synthetic organic electrochemistry (SOE) are often
considered competing technologies in organic synthesis. Their fusion has been largely …
considered competing technologies in organic synthesis. Their fusion has been largely …
Self-organized porphyrinic materials
“Anything that exists must be possible.” is often referred to as KE Boulding's First Law. 1 For
example, nanoscale photonic devices exist that harvest light and convert it to …
example, nanoscale photonic devices exist that harvest light and convert it to …
Reduction of aryl halides by consecutive visible light-induced electron transfer processes
Biological photosynthesis uses the energy of several visible light photons for the challenging
oxidation of water, whereas chemical photocatalysis typically involves only single-photon …
oxidation of water, whereas chemical photocatalysis typically involves only single-photon …
Perylene-3, 4, 9, 10-tetracarboxylic acid diimides: synthesis, physical properties, and use in organic electronics
Perylene-3, 4, 9, 10-tetracarboxylic acid diimides (perylene diimides, PDIs) have been used
as industrial pigments for many years. More recently, new applications for PDI derivatives …
as industrial pigments for many years. More recently, new applications for PDI derivatives …
Organized aggregation makes insoluble perylene diimide efficient for the reduction of aryl halides via consecutive visible light-induced electron-transfer processes
The consecutive photo-induced electron-transfer (conPET) process found with perylene
diimide (PDI) overcomes the limitation of visible-light photocatalysis and sheds light on …
diimide (PDI) overcomes the limitation of visible-light photocatalysis and sheds light on …
Supramolecular free radicals: near-infrared organic materials with enhanced photothermal conversion
A novel kind of supramolecular free radical with significantly improved free radical yield and
enhanced near-infrared (NIR) photothermal conversion has been fabricated. Perylene …
enhanced near-infrared (NIR) photothermal conversion has been fabricated. Perylene …
Triplet tellurophene‐based acceptors for organic solar cells
Triplet materials have been employed to achieve high‐performing organic solar cells
(OSCs) by extending the exciton lifetime and diffusion distances, while the triplet non …
(OSCs) by extending the exciton lifetime and diffusion distances, while the triplet non …
Ring-fusion as a perylenediimide dimer design concept for high-performance non-fullerene organic photovoltaic acceptors
A series of perylenediimide (PDI) dimers are evaluated as acceptors for organic photovoltaic
(OPV) cells. The materials are characterized using a wide variety of physical and …
(OPV) cells. The materials are characterized using a wide variety of physical and …
Exciton delocalization and dynamics in helical π-stacks of self-assembled perylene bisimides
Whilst the excitonic properties of J-aggregates have been investigated in great detail, those
of H-aggregates have not been systematically investigated yet. In this regard, we have …
of H-aggregates have not been systematically investigated yet. In this regard, we have …
Electron sharing and anion–π recognition in molecular triangular prisms
Electronic interactions, as well as through-space electron hop** and delocalization
between redox-active aromatic building blocks, play a crucial role in orchestrating electron …
between redox-active aromatic building blocks, play a crucial role in orchestrating electron …