Reactance Theory
S ir Isaac Newton famously claimed that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. It is doubtful that he had persuasion in mind when formulating his third law of …
reaction. It is doubtful that he had persuasion in mind when formulating his third law of …
“Others are more vulnerable to fake news than I Am”: Third-person effect of COVID-19 fake news on social media users
Fake news have pervaded the social media landscape during the COVID-19 outbreak. To
further explore what contributed to fake news susceptibility of social media users, the …
further explore what contributed to fake news susceptibility of social media users, the …
Older and newer media: Patterns of use and effects on adolescents' health and well‐being
The past decade's research on the use and effects of older (television, music, movies,
magazines) and newer media (the Internet, cell phones, social networking) on adolescents' …
magazines) and newer media (the Internet, cell phones, social networking) on adolescents' …
People believe misinformation is a threat because they assume others are gullible
Alarmist narratives about the flow of misinformation and its negative consequences have
gained traction in recent years. If these fears are to some extent warranted, the scientific …
gained traction in recent years. If these fears are to some extent warranted, the scientific …
Parental acceptance of digital game-based learning
In research about digital game-based learning, the likely negative perceptions of parents are
often enlisted as a barrier toward the adoption of games in classroom settings. Teachers …
often enlisted as a barrier toward the adoption of games in classroom settings. Teachers …
“People think it'sa harmless joke”: young people's understanding of the impact of technology, digital vulnerability and cyberbullying in the United Kingdom
Young people's technology use has increased exponentially over the last few years. To gain
a deeper understanding of young peoples' experiences of digital technology and …
a deeper understanding of young peoples' experiences of digital technology and …
Facebook, the third-person effect, and the differential impact hypothesis
This study examined the effects of embedding and framing online news stories in social
media contexts on perceived message influence and third-person effects (3PE). 88 …
media contexts on perceived message influence and third-person effects (3PE). 88 …
[ספר][B] How fantasy becomes reality: Seeing through media influence
KE Dill - 2009 - academic.oup.com
It's a common belief that the stories we encounter through mass media--whether in video
games, action movies, or political comedy skits on Saturday Night Live--are just entertaining …
games, action movies, or political comedy skits on Saturday Night Live--are just entertaining …
Nasty online comments anger you more than me, but nice ones make me as happy as you
Using online comments posted on news stories as the context, this research used two
experiments to assess the influence of online comments on people's emotions as well as on …
experiments to assess the influence of online comments on people's emotions as well as on …
Third-person perception of online comments: Civil ones persuade you more than me
Using online comments posted on news stories as the context, this study aimed to examine
the interplay between the third-person perception (TPP)–that people believe media …
the interplay between the third-person perception (TPP)–that people believe media …