The role of village government policies in improving the economy in sumbermulyo village

F Zuhriyah, S Naim, D Rahmanudin… - Jurnal …, 2022 -
This study aims to analyze the role of the Sumbermulyo Village government in improving the
economy of the farming community. Qualitative descriptive method with phenomenological …

Modeling the link between tourism and economic development: evidence from homogeneous panels of countries

PJ Cárdenas-García, JG Brida, V Segarra - Humanities and social …, 2024 -
Having previously analyzed the relationship between tourism and economic growth from
distinct perspectives, this paper attempts to fill the void existing in scientific research on the …

[PDF][PDF] Economic performance: leading sector, economic structure and competitiveness of export commodities

A Wijaya, Z Ilmi, DC Darma - Asian Journal of Business …, 2020 -
Purpose: The purpose of this study is for the leading sector, a pattern of shifting structure of
the economic sector, and community export competitiveness on the economy Malinau …

Penurunan kesejahteraan akibat Covid-19: pengabdian melalui survey di Kota Samarinda (Indonesia)

E Kurniawan - Jurnal Pustaka Mitra (Pusat Akses Kajian …, 2021 -
Abstrak Corona Virus Disease-2019 atau yang diberi istilah “Covid-19” menyebabkan
kecemasan dan ancaman serius disektor pendidikan, kesehatan, sosial, perdagangan …

[PDF][PDF] Towards the New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia: Premises and challenges of food security

J Jiuhardi, Z Hasid, S Darma, P Priyagus… - Anuário Do Instituto …, 2023 -
One of the successes of regional independence is food security. The essence of this paper
dedicates the linkage between small and medium industry (SMI), population (Pop), food …

[PDF][PDF] Analisis Konvergensi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Provinsi Jawa Timur Pasca Krisis Global Tahun 2008

Z Zainuri, A Lutfhi, M SALEH, S Aisyah… - 2022 -
Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Jawa Timur memiliki ketimpangan antar kabupaten/kota yang
tinggi dan dinamis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Ordinary least squares. Sebagai model …

A qualitative dynamic analysis of the relationship between tourism and human development

PJ Cárdenas-García, JG Brida, V Segarra - Humanities and Social …, 2024 -
This study analyzes the dynamic relationship between tourism and human development in a
sample of 123 countries between 1995–2019 using a symbolic time series methodological …

Application of klassen typology in the pattern of environmental carrying capacity and its role in regional economic development

DM Nihayah, I Mafruhah, L Hakim - IOP Conference Series: Earth …, 2023 -
Each region in Indonesia has unique characteristics, resource availability, and resource
resilience. In this aspect, resilience refers to a system's capacity to absorb disruptions …

The Role of Credit Weapon and Income/Wealth Inequality: A Sri Lankan Case Study.

CA SALIYA, K HOOPER - Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 2020 -
This research paper shows that credit mechanisms sometimes thrive towards strengthening
socio-economic power base of the capitalist class and form a mutually reinforcing function …

[PDF][PDF] Manifestation of the factor of regional median position

VV Akberdina, AS Sergeeva - WSEAS Transactions on Business and …, 2021 -
The article summarises theoretical approaches to determining the median regions, their
place and role in the territorial structure of the country and its socio-economic development …