Individual factors influencing acceptability for environmental policies: a review and research agenda
To facilitate an understanding of why some environmental policies are acceptable to private
citizens and why some are not, we review individual factors that influence the acceptability of …
citizens and why some are not, we review individual factors that influence the acceptability of …
The English plastic bag charge changed behavior and increased support for other charges to reduce plastic waste
Plastic bags create large amounts of waste and cause lasting environmental problems when
inappropriately discarded. In 2015, England introduced a mandatory five pence (US $0.06/€ …
inappropriately discarded. In 2015, England introduced a mandatory five pence (US $0.06/€ …
[HTML][HTML] Segmentation of consumers based on awareness, attitudes and use of sustainability labels in the purchase of commonly used products
Most of the previous studies that segment consumers based on the consideration of
certifications and sustainability attributes in purchasing decision-making offer a limited …
certifications and sustainability attributes in purchasing decision-making offer a limited …
[HTML][HTML] Supporting and expressing support for environmental policies
People engage in all kinds of behaviors because they aim to protect the environment.
Among other actions, such behaviors involve supporting and expressing support for …
Among other actions, such behaviors involve supporting and expressing support for …
Environmental satisfaction, residential satisfaction, and place attachment: The cases of long-term residents in rural and urban areas in China
Drawing on literature from environmental psychology and urban planning, this study
evaluates the relationships between environmental satisfaction, residential satisfaction, and …
evaluates the relationships between environmental satisfaction, residential satisfaction, and …
Promoting sustainability: Towards a segmentation model of individual and household behaviour and behaviour change
B Verplanken - Sustainable Development, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Behaviours of individuals and households have major and cumulative impacts on the
ecology and sustainable development. A generic segmentation model of sustainable …
ecology and sustainable development. A generic segmentation model of sustainable …
[HTML][HTML] How do familiarity and fatal accidents affect acceptance of self-driving vehicles?
M Wicki - Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Expected benefits of disruptive technologies such as self-driving vehicles may only
materialize if they are publicly accepted. Acceptance increases when implementation is …
materialize if they are publicly accepted. Acceptance increases when implementation is …
[HTML][HTML] Controversial policies: growing support after implementation. A discussion paper
The support for controversial policies in the area of transport often increases after real-world
implementation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the literature …
implementation. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the literature …
[HTML][HTML] Individual-level determinants of the public acceptance of policy measures to improve urban air quality: The case of the barcelona low emission zone
A variety of policy instruments that impose restrictions on traffic are being put in place across
European cities to improve urban air quality. These measures include various schemes such …
European cities to improve urban air quality. These measures include various schemes such …
Transformation im Verkehr
L Ruhrort - Erfolgsbedingungen verkehrspolitischer Maßnahmen …, 2019 - Springer
Viele Menschen haben mich unterstützt, um diese Arbeit möglich zu machen. Ich danke vor
allem meinen Eltern: Die sozialgeschichtliche Hausbibliothek meiner Mutter hat mir schon …
allem meinen Eltern: Die sozialgeschichtliche Hausbibliothek meiner Mutter hat mir schon …