Constructive algorithms for structure learning in feedforward neural networks for regression problems

TY Kwok, DY Yeung - IEEE transactions on neural networks, 1997 -
In this survey paper, we review the constructive algorithms for structure learning in
feedforward neural networks for regression problems. The basic idea is to start with a small …

[PDF][PDF] A review of dimension reduction techniques

MA Carreira-Perpinán - … University of Sheffield. Tech. Rep. CS …, 1997 -
The problem of dimension reduction is introduced as a way to overcome the curse of the
dimensionality when dealing with vector data in high-dimensional spaces and as a …

GAMI-Net: An explainable neural network based on generalized additive models with structured interactions

Z Yang, A Zhang, A Sudjianto - Pattern Recognition, 2021 - Elsevier
The lack of interpretability is an inevitable problem when using neural network models in
real applications. In this paper, an explainable neural network based on generalized …

[KNIHA][B] Neural networks for pattern recognition

CM Bishop - 1995 -
This book provides the first comprehensive treatment of feed-forward neural networks from
the perspective of statistical pattern recognition. After introducing the basic concepts of …

[KNIHA][B] Statistical pattern recognition

AR Webb - 2003 -
Statistical pattern recognition is a very active area of study andresearch, which has seen
many advances in recent years. New andemerging applications-such as data mining, web …

[KNIHA][B] Neural smithing: supervised learning in feedforward artificial neural networks

R Reed, RJ MarksII - 1999 -
Artificial neural networks are nonlinear map** systems whose structure is loosely based
on principles observed in the nervous systems of humans and animals. The basic idea is …

Deterministic annealing for clustering, compression, classification, regression, and related optimization problems

K Rose - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1998 -
The deterministic annealing approach to clustering and its extensions has demonstrated
substantial performance improvement over standard supervised and unsupervised learning …

Spatial modelling using a new class of nonstationary covariance functions

CJ Paciorek, MJ Schervish - Environmetrics: The official journal …, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
We introduce a new class of nonstationary covariance functions for spatial modelling.
Nonstationary covariance functions allow the model to adapt to spatial surfaces whose …

Wavelet neural networks for function learning

J Zhang, GG Walter, Y Miao… - IEEE transactions on …, 1995 -
A wavelet-based neural network is described. The structure of this network is similar to that
of the radial basis function (RBF) network, except that in the present paper the radial basis …

Neural networks and related methods for classification

BD Ripley - Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B …, 1994 - Wiley Online Library
Feed‐forward neural networks are now widely used in classification problems, whereas non‐
linear methods of discrimination developed in the statistical field are much less widely …