[HTML][HTML] A novel method based on deep learning, GIS and geomatics software for building a 3D city model from VHR satellite stereo imagery
The aim of the paper is to identify a suitable method for the construction of a 3D city model
from stereo satellite imagery. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to build a workflow …
from stereo satellite imagery. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to build a workflow …
[HTML][HTML] Ten years of volcanic activity at Mt Etna: High-resolution map** and accurate quantification of the morphological changes by Pleiades and Lidar data
Abstract The topography of Mt. Etna, Italy, is subjected to continuous modifications
depending on intensity and magnitude of eruptions that frequently occur at the volcano …
depending on intensity and magnitude of eruptions that frequently occur at the volcano …
Rapid provision of maps and volcanological parameters: quantification of the 2021 Etna volcano lava flows through the integration of multiple remote sensing …
At active volcanoes recurring eruptive events, erosive processes and collapses modify the
edifice morphology and impact monitoring and hazard mitigation. At Etna volcano (Italy) …
edifice morphology and impact monitoring and hazard mitigation. At Etna volcano (Italy) …
One hundred lava flows of Mt. Etna, Italy: July 2019–December 2023 update
Integration of multi-sensor, multi-platform remotely sensed data is an effective methodology
for monitoring active volcanoes as it ensures a constant data flow, which is needed for …
for monitoring active volcanoes as it ensures a constant data flow, which is needed for …
Frequency-magnitude distribution of earthquakes at Etna volcano unravels critical stress changes along magma pathways
The high seismic productivity of volcanic areas provides the chance to investigate the local
stress conditions with great resolution, by analysing the slope of the frequency-magnitude …
stress conditions with great resolution, by analysing the slope of the frequency-magnitude …
Structure of the shallow supply system at Stromboli volcano, Italy, through integration of muography, digital elevation models, seismicity, and ground deformation data
V Tioukov, F Giudicepietro… - Muography …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Muography represents a recent and innovative tool for investigating the interior of active
volcanoes. However, when dealing with frequently erupting open‐vent volcanoes such as …
volcanoes. However, when dealing with frequently erupting open‐vent volcanoes such as …
Mixing and eruption of mafic magmas of the Sipisupisu volcano, the Toba volcanic system, Indonesia
MH Gao, PP Liu - Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2023 - Springer
Texture and particularly compositional variations of zoned minerals are important to
understand trans-crustal magma plumbing systems of volcanoes. The Sipisupisu volcano in …
understand trans-crustal magma plumbing systems of volcanoes. The Sipisupisu volcano in …
The 1974 west flank eruption of Mount Etna: a data-driven model for a low elevation effusive event
Low elevation flank eruptions represent highly hazardous events due to their location near,
or in, communities. Their potentially high effusion rates can feed fast moving lava flows that …
or in, communities. Their potentially high effusion rates can feed fast moving lava flows that …
[HTML][HTML] A Year of Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection over Mediterranean Europe Using SEVIRI/MSG
Volcano eruption identification and watching is crucial to better understanding volcano
dynamics, namely the near real-time identification of the eruption start, end, and duration …
dynamics, namely the near real-time identification of the eruption start, end, and duration …
Global volume distribution for subaerial volcanism on Earth
Abstract Knowledge of the global distribution of Earth volcanism is critical in many fields of
the Geosciences involving large‐scale assessments, such as plate tectonics, global volcanic …
the Geosciences involving large‐scale assessments, such as plate tectonics, global volcanic …