Theoretical and paleoclimatic evidence for abrupt transitions in the Earth system
Specific components of the Earth system may abruptly change their state in response to
gradual changes in forcing. This possibility has attracted great scientific interest in recent …
gradual changes in forcing. This possibility has attracted great scientific interest in recent …
Drivers and trajectories of land cover change in East Africa: Human and environmental interactions from 6000 years ago to present
East African landscapes today are the result of the cumulative effects of climate and land-
use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and …
use change over millennial timescales. In this review, we compile archaeological and …
The 4.2 ka event is not remarkable in the context of Holocene climate variability
Abstract The “4.2 ka event” is a commonly described abrupt climate excursion that occurred
about 4200 years ago. However, the extent to which this event is coherent across regional …
about 4200 years ago. However, the extent to which this event is coherent across regional …
[PDF][PDF] Formal ratification of the subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period): two new Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points …
The Holocene is probably the most intensively studied series/epoch within the geological
record, and embodies a wide array of geomorphological, climatic, biotic and archaeological …
record, and embodies a wide array of geomorphological, climatic, biotic and archaeological …
Formal subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch: a Discussion Paper by a Working Group of INTIMATE (Integration of ice‐core, marine and terrestrial records) and …
This discussion paper, by a Working Group of INTIMATE (Integration of ice‐core, marine and
terrestrial records) and the Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) of the …
terrestrial records) and the Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy (SQS) of the …
[КНИГА][B] Drought: past problems and future scenarios
J Sheffield, EF Wood - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Drought is one of the likely consequences of climate change in many regions of the world.
Together with an increased demand for water resources to supply the world's growing …
Together with an increased demand for water resources to supply the world's growing …
Climatic, vegetation and cultural change in the eastern Mediterranean during the mid-Holocene environmental transition
The eastern Mediterranean region witnessed changes in human culture of the highest
importance between~ 9000 and~ 2500 cal. BP (7000—500 BC) and over the same time …
importance between~ 9000 and~ 2500 cal. BP (7000—500 BC) and over the same time …
The rivers of civilization
MG Macklin, J Lewin - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
The hydromorphic regimes that underpinned Old World river-based civilizations are
reviewed in light of recent research. Notable Holocene climatic changes varied from region …
reviewed in light of recent research. Notable Holocene climatic changes varied from region …
A severe centennial-scale drought in midcontinental North America 4200 years ago and apparent global linkages
We present evidence from a variety of physical and biological proxies for a severe drought
that affected the mid-continent of North America between 4.1 and 4.3 ka. Rapid climate …
that affected the mid-continent of North America between 4.1 and 4.3 ka. Rapid climate …
The open sea: the economic life of the ancient Mediterranean world from the Iron Age to the rise of Rome
JG Manning - 2018 - torrossa.com
A few years ago, I began to think about writing a “small book on a large subject,” to quote
one of the great economists of the 20th century. 1 The end result is larger and a little different …
one of the great economists of the 20th century. 1 The end result is larger and a little different …