The smartphone psychology manifesto
G Miller - Perspectives on psychological science, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
By 2025, when most of today's psychology undergraduates will be in their mid-30s, more
than 5 billion people on our planet will be using ultra-broadband, sensor-rich smartphones …
than 5 billion people on our planet will be using ultra-broadband, sensor-rich smartphones …
Branding the brain: A critical review and outlook
H Plassmann, TZ Ramsøy, M Milosavljevic - Journal of consumer …, 2012 - Elsevier
The application of neuroscience to marketing, and in particular to the consumer psychology
of brands, has gained popularity over the past decade in the academic and the corporate …
of brands, has gained popularity over the past decade in the academic and the corporate …
[หนังสือ][B] The case against reality: Why evolution hid the truth from our eyes
D Hoffman - 2019 - books.google.com
Can we trust our senses to tell us the truth? Challenging leading scientific theories that claim
that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that …
that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that …
Fundamental motives: How evolutionary needs influence consumer behavior
V Griskevicius, DT Kenrick - Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2013 - Elsevier
Can we better understand modern consumer behavior by examining its links to our ancestral
past? We consider the underlying motives for consumption and choice from an evolutionary …
past? We consider the underlying motives for consumption and choice from an evolutionary …
Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations
DT Kenrick, V Griskevicius… - Perspectives on …, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
Maslow's pyramid of human needs, proposed in 1943, has been one of the most cognitively
contagious ideas in the behavioral sciences. Anticipating later evolutionary views of human …
contagious ideas in the behavioral sciences. Anticipating later evolutionary views of human …
[หนังสือ][B] Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind
DM Buss - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Where did we come from? What is our connection with other life forms? What are the
mechanisms of mind that define what it means to be a human being? Evolutionary …
mechanisms of mind that define what it means to be a human being? Evolutionary …
[หนังสือ][B] Male, female: The evolution of human sex differences
DC Geary - 1998 - grahamseibert.com
Sexual and asexual reproduction are found throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.
Asexual reproduction has its advantages, chief among which is that it does not require the …
Asexual reproduction has its advantages, chief among which is that it does not require the …
[หนังสือ][B] Exploring social psychology
This is a book I secretly wanted to write. I have long believed that what is wrong with all
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
psychology textbooks (including those I have written) is their overlong chapters. Few can …
[หนังสือ][B] Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science
TK Shackelford, VA Weekes-Shackelford - 2021 - Springer
The use of sacred values by humans to enforce cooperation has been seen throughout
human history, as demonstrated by philosophers like Marx and Aristotle observing that …
human history, as demonstrated by philosophers like Marx and Aristotle observing that …
[หนังสือ][B] Personality
JM Burger - 2019 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
Personality, 10th ed. Page 1 Jerry M. Burger Santa Clara University Personality Tenth
Edition Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States …
Edition Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States …