Towards achieving circularity and sustainability in feeds for farmed blue foods

SM Colombo, K Roy, J Mraz, AHL Wan… - Reviews in …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The aims of this review are to describe the role of 'blue‐food production'(animals, plants and
algae harvested from freshwater and marine environments) within a circular bioeconomy …

Microalgae as feed sources and feed additives for sustainable aquaculture: prospects and challenges

M Ma, Q Hu - Reviews in Aquaculture, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aquaculture is an essential source of protein and essential fatty acids for humans. However,
the sustainable development of aquaculture faces numerous challenges, including a …

[HTML][HTML] Alternative proteins for fish diets: implications beyond growth

C Aragão, AT Gonçalves, B Costas, R Azeredo… - Animals, 2022 -
Simple Summary Aquaculture is now well-established as a provider of protein for human
consumption, and its contribution will be paramount to providing food for a nine billion …

Lipid production characteristics of a newly isolated microalga Asterarcys quadricellulare R-56 as biodiesel feedstock

HY Ren, X Song, F Kong, Q Song, NQ Ren… - … Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
In this study, a new microalgal strain, Asterarcys quadricellulare R-56, was isolated for
biomass and lipid production. The effects of carbon and nitrogen sources and initial pH on …

Expanded utilisation of microalgae in global aquafeeds

MAB Siddik, M Sørensen, SMM Islam… - Reviews in …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Utilising novel ingredients in aquafeeds is necessary for the continued expansion and
intensification of aquaculture production. Microalgae are utilised widely in aquaculture for a …

Microalgal bioremediation of brackish aquaculture wastewater

AHM Kashem, P Das, M AbdulQuadir, S Khan… - Science of The Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Rapid aquaculture industry development contributed to a major increase in aquaculture
wastewater generation. In the context of a circular economy, aquaculture wastewater …

Biofloc technology as part of a sustainable aquaculture system: A review on the status and innovations for its expansion

S McCusker, MB Warberg, SJ Davies… - … , Fish and Fisheries, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Increased food demand, reflecting a rising global human population, attaining 8 billion in
2022, has furthered the intensification of farmed aquatic animal production. Intensification …

Microalgae from wastewaters to wastelands: Leveraging microalgal research conducive to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

K Singh, FA Ansari, KN Ingle, SK Gupta… - … and Sustainable Energy …, 2023 - Elsevier
The scientific evidence on applications of microalgae in bioremediation of wastewaters,
increasing agricultural productivity, and biomass production strengthens their potential in …

Antimicrobial peptides from photosynthetic marine organisms with potential application in aquaculture

JM García-Beltrán, M Arizcun, E Chaves-Pozo - Marine Drugs, 2023 -
Aquaculture production is at a record level and is estimated to increase in the coming years.
However, this production can be negatively affected by infectious diseases produced by …

Insights of microalgae-based aquaculture feed: A review on circular bioeconomy and perspectives

PE Tham, HR Lim, KS Khoo, KW Chew, YJ Yap… - Algal Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Research shows that about 25% of the global fish capture was channelled to the aquafeed
production. With an annual positive increment of global fish demand, in a long term, this …