Few-body Bose gases in low dimensions—A laboratory for quantum dynamics
Cold atomic gases have become a paradigmatic system for exploring fundamental physics,
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
which at the same time allows for applications in quantum technologies. The accelerating …
Formation and quench of homonuclear and heteronuclear quantum droplets in one dimension
We study the impact of beyond Lee-Huang-Yang (LHY) physics, especially due to
intercomponent correlations, in the ground state and the quench dynamics of one …
intercomponent correlations, in the ground state and the quench dynamics of one …
Phases and dynamics of few fermionic impurities immersed in two-dimensional boson droplets
We unravel the ground state properties and emergent nonequilibrium dynamics of a mixture
consisting of a few spin-polarized fermions embedded in a two-dimensional bosonic …
consisting of a few spin-polarized fermions embedded in a two-dimensional bosonic …
Polaron problems in ultracold atoms: Role of a fermi sea across different spatial dimensions and quantum fluctuations of a bose medium
The notion of a polaron, originally introduced in the context of electrons in ionic lattices,
helps us to understand how a quantum impurity behaves when being immersed in and …
helps us to understand how a quantum impurity behaves when being immersed in and …
Crossover from attractive to repulsive induced interactions and bound states of two distinguishable Bose polarons
We study the impact of induced correlations and quasiparticle properties by immersing two
distinguishable impurities in a harmonically trapped bosonic medium. It is found that when …
distinguishable impurities in a harmonically trapped bosonic medium. It is found that when …
Polarons and their induced interactions in highly imbalanced triple mixtures
We unravel the polaronic properties of impurities immersed in a correlated trapped one-
dimensional Bose-Bose mixture. This setup allows the impurities to couple either attractively …
dimensional Bose-Bose mixture. This setup allows the impurities to couple either attractively …
Induced interactions and quench dynamics of bosonic impurities immersed in a Fermi sea
We unravel the ground-state properties and the nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of two
bosonic impurities immersed in a one-dimensional fermionic environment by applying a …
bosonic impurities immersed in a one-dimensional fermionic environment by applying a …
Many-body collisional dynamics of impurities injected into a double-well trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
We unravel the many-body dynamics of a harmonically trapped impurity colliding with a
bosonic medium confined in a double well upon quenching the initially displaced harmonic …
bosonic medium confined in a double well upon quenching the initially displaced harmonic …
Mobile impurities interacting with a few one-dimensional lattice bosons
VR Yordanov, F Isaule - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
We report a comprehensive study of the ground-state properties of one and two bosonic
impurities immersed in small one-dimensional optical lattices loaded with a few interacting …
impurities immersed in small one-dimensional optical lattices loaded with a few interacting …
Bound impurities in a one-dimensional Bose lattice gas: low-energy properties and quench-induced dynamics
We study two mobile bosonic impurities immersed in a one-dimensional optical lattice and
interacting with a bosonic bath. We employ the exact diagonalization method for small …
interacting with a bosonic bath. We employ the exact diagonalization method for small …