The functional role of alpha-band activity in attentional processing: the current zeitgeist and future outlook
Highlights•We reviewed the evidence on the role alpha oscillations might play in
attention.•There is an abundance of support for alpha power playing a functional inhibitory …
attention.•There is an abundance of support for alpha power playing a functional inhibitory …
The role of alpha-band brain oscillations as a sensory suppression mechanism during selective attention
Evidence has amassed from both animal intracranial recordings and human
electrophysiology that neural oscillatory mechanisms play a critical role in a number of …
electrophysiology that neural oscillatory mechanisms play a critical role in a number of …
Partial recovery of visual function in a blind patient after optogenetic therapy
Optogenetics may enable mutation-independent, circuit-specific restoration of neuronal
function in neurological diseases. Retinitis pigmentosa is a neurodegenerative eye disease …
function in neurological diseases. Retinitis pigmentosa is a neurodegenerative eye disease …
EEG alpha oscillations: the inhibition–timing hypothesis
The traditional belief is that the event-related alpha response can solely be described in
terms of suppression or event-related desynchronization (ERD). Recent research, however …
terms of suppression or event-related desynchronization (ERD). Recent research, however …
A sensorimotor account of vision and visual consciousness
Many current neurophysiological, psychophysical, and psychological approaches to vision
rest on the idea that when we see, the brain produces an internal representation of the …
rest on the idea that when we see, the brain produces an internal representation of the …
α-Band electroencephalographic activity over occipital cortex indexes visuospatial attention bias and predicts visual target detection
G Thut, A Nietzel, SA Brandt… - Journal of …, 2006 -
Covertly directing visual attention toward a spatial location in the absence of visual
stimulation enhances future visual processing at the attended position. The neuronal …
stimulation enhances future visual processing at the attended position. The neuronal …
[PDF][PDF] Anticipatory biasing of visuospatial attention indexed by retinotopically specific alpha-band electroencephalography increases over occipital cortex.
Departments of 1Neurology and 2Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx,
New York 10461 α-Band (8–14 Hz) oscillatory EEG activity was examined with high-density …
New York 10461 α-Band (8–14 Hz) oscillatory EEG activity was examined with high-density …
Motivation, emotion, and their inhibitory control mirrored in brain oscillations
GG Knyazev - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2007 - Elsevier
Recent studies suggest brain oscillations as a mechanism for cerebral integration. Such
integration can exist across a number of functional domains, with different frequency rhythms …
integration can exist across a number of functional domains, with different frequency rhythms …
Prestimulus oscillatory activity in the alpha band predicts visual discrimination ability
Although the resting and baseline states of the human electroencephalogram and
magnetoencephalogram (MEG) are dominated by oscillations in the alpha band (∼ 10 Hz) …
magnetoencephalogram (MEG) are dominated by oscillations in the alpha band (∼ 10 Hz) …
EEG alpha power is modulated by attentional changes during cognitive tasks and virtual reality immersion
E Magosso, F De Crescenzio, G Ricci… - Computational …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Variations in alpha rhythm have a significant role in perception and attention. Recently,
alpha decrease has been associated with externally directed attention, especially in the …
alpha decrease has been associated with externally directed attention, especially in the …