[HTML][HTML] Collective lattice resonances: Plasmonics and beyond

AD Utyushev, VI Zakomirnyi, IL Rasskazov - Reviews in Physics, 2021 - Elsevier
Engineering nanostructures with exceptionally high-Q resonances mediated by the Fano-
type hybridization between discrete states associated with the periodicity of the structure and …

Hybridization of lattice resonances

S Baur, S Sanders, A Manjavacas - ACS nano, 2018 - ACS Publications
Plasmon hybridization, the electromagnetic analog of molecular orbital theory, provides a
simple and intuitive method to describe the plasmonic response of complex nanostructures …

Analysis of the limits of the near-field produced by nanoparticle arrays

A Manjavacas, L Zundel, S Sanders - ACS nano, 2019 - ACS Publications
Periodic arrays are an exceptionally interesting arrangement for metallic nanostructures
because of their ability to support collective lattice resonances. These modes, which arise …

Gold nanolenses self-assembled by DNA origami

C Heck, J Prinz, A Dathe, V Merk, O Stranik… - Acs …, 2017 - ACS Publications
Nanolenses are self-similar chains of metal nanoparticles, which can theoretically provide
extremely high field enhancements. Yet, the complex structure renders their synthesis …

How nonlocal dam** reduces plasmon-enhanced fluorescence in ultranarrow gaps

C Tserkezis, NA Mortensen, M Wubs - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
The nonclassical modification of plasmon-assisted fluorescence enhancement is
theoretically explored by placing two-level dipole emitters at the narrow gaps encountered in …

Self-Similar Plasmonic Nanolenses: Mesoscopic Ensemble Averaging and Chiral Light–Matter Interactions

N Kyvelos, NA Mortensen, X Zheng… - The Journal of Physical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
We investigate how the near-field enhancement of self-similar nanolenses, made of three
plasmonic nanospheres with decreasing sizes and separations, is affected by quantum …

Multiple scattering of light in ordered particulate media

VA Loiko, AA Miskevich - Springer Series in Light Scattering: Volume 1 …, 2018 - Springer
The methods to describe electromagnetic wave interaction with random and highly ordered
particulate media as applied to solve problems of optics, photonics, and optoelectronics are …

Dielectric nanopatterned surfaces for subwavelength light localization and sensing applications

E Almpanis, N Papanikolaou - Microelectronic Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper we present a theoretical study of dielectric nanostructures capable for localizing
light in subwavelength volumes. These are arrays of Si nanoparticles on top of reflecting …

Local field enhancement: comparing self-similar and dimer nanoantennas

G Pellegrini, M Celebrano, M Finazzi… - The Journal of Physical …, 2016 - ACS Publications
We investigate the local field enhancement in self-similar nanolenses and compare the
obtained results with the performance of standard dimer nanoantennas. Despite the …

Comparison of Ag and Si nanoparticle arrays: mimicking subwavelength plasmonic field concentrations with dielectric components

E Almpanis, N Papanikolaou - Journal of the Optical Society of …, 2015 - opg.optica.org
We present a comparative theoretical study of the optical response of metallic Ag and
dielectric Si sphere arrays on top of reflecting substrates. The interaction of particle modes …