Intelligent parameter design-based impedance optimization of STATCOM to mitigate resonance in wind farms

Y Zhang, Y Yang, X Chen… - IEEE Journal of Emerging …, 2020 -
In certain regions and countries, the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is
required in large-scale wind farms to provide reactive power support. Due to the limitations …

[HTML][HTML] Study of Hybrid Transmission HVAC/HVDC by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Y Siregar, C Pardede - Energies, 2022 -
There are considerable power losses in Indonesia's SUMBAGUT 150 kV transmission High
Voltage Alternating Current Network (HVAC) system. These power losses and the voltage …

PI parameters determination in dq decoupling control of VSC terminals

Z Yan, Y Xue, XP Zhang - 13th IET International Conference on AC and DC …, 2017 - IET
Dq decoupling control is a widely used state-of-theart control method of the inner current
loop in VSC-based power electronics such as STATCOM, back-to-back converter …

Optimal control tuning of VSC-MTDC using a multi-objective hybrid pso algorithm

L Bibaya, C Liu, G Li - 2018 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy …, 2018 -
In this paper, a hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO) algorithm to optimize the
parameters of DC voltage margin controllers in a voltage source converters multi-terminal …

Optimal control tuning of a vsc converter for microgrid applications

C García-Ceballos, J Mora-Flórez… - … IEEE Workshop on …, 2019 -
A methodology for optimally tune PI controls in voltage source converters (VSC) is
presented. The parameters of the proportional and integral level zero and primary control of …

Power quality control of voltage source converter-based HVDC system using particle swarm optimisation

R Agarwal, S Singh - International Journal of Power and …, 2017 -
Power quality control of voltage source converter (VSC)-based high voltage direct current
(HVDC) transmission system is proposed in this paper. The particle swarm optimisation …

[PDF][PDF] Study of Hybrid Transmission HVAC/HVDC by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Energies 2022, 15, 7638

Y Siregar, C Pardede - 2022 -
There are considerable power losses in Indonesia's SUMBAGUT 150 kV transmission High
Voltage Alternating Current Network (HVAC) system. These power losses and the voltage …

Coordinated optimization of VSC-HVDC controller considering DC line

B Qi, C Li, Y **, K Tao, Q Chen, P Ju… - 2015 5th International …, 2015 -
VSC-HVDC system, such as in offshore wind farms, will be widely used in the next few
years. The controller parameters of both rectifier and inverter will have a great impact on …

Controller optimization algorithm for a 12-pulse voltage source converter based HVDC system

R Agarwal, S Singh - Journal of Electrical Engineering and …, 2017 -
The paper presents controller optimization algorithm for a 12-pulse voltage source converter
(VSC) based high voltage direct current (HVDC) system. To get an optimum algorithm, three …

Bibliography of HVDC transmission 2012–13 IEEE Working Group report

S Gupta, RK Varma… - 2014 IEEE PES General …, 2014 -
Bibliography of HVDC transmission 2012–13 IEEE Working Group report Page 1
Bibliography of HVDC Transmission 2012-13 IEEE Working Group Report Shubham Gupta …