Superconducting-qubit readout via low-backaction electro-optic transduction
Entangling microwave-frequency superconducting quantum processors through optical light
at ambient temperature would enable means of secure communication and distributed …
at ambient temperature would enable means of secure communication and distributed …
Microwaves in quantum computing
Quantum information processing systems rely on a broad range of microwave technologies
and have spurred development of microwave devices and methods in new operating …
and have spurred development of microwave devices and methods in new operating …
Propagating quantum microwaves: towards applications in communication and sensing
The field of propagating quantum microwaves is a relatively new area of research that is
receiving increased attention due to its promising technological applications, both in …
receiving increased attention due to its promising technological applications, both in …
Magnetic field-resilient quantum-limited parametric amplifier
Superconducting parametric amplifiers are crucial components in microwave quantum
circuits for enabling quantum-limited signal readout. The best-performing such amplifiers are …
circuits for enabling quantum-limited signal readout. The best-performing such amplifiers are …
Single-Shot Readout and Weak Measurement of a Tin-Vacancy Qubit in Diamond
The negatively charged tin-vacancy center in diamond (SnV-) is an emerging platform for
building the next generation of long-distance quantum networks. This is due to the SnV-'s …
building the next generation of long-distance quantum networks. This is due to the SnV-'s …
Performance of a kinetic inductance traveling-wave parametric amplifier at 4 kelvin: Toward an alternative to semiconductor amplifiers
Most microwave readout architectures in quantum computing or sensing rely on a
semiconductor amplifier at 4 K, typically a high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). Despite …
semiconductor amplifier at 4 K, typically a high-electron mobility transistor (HEMT). Despite …
Broadband SNAIL parametric amplifier with microstrip impedance transformer
Josephson parametric amplifiers are an important part of a modern superconducting
quantum computing platform and squeezed quantum states generation devices. Traveling …
quantum computing platform and squeezed quantum states generation devices. Traveling …
In situ amplification of spin echoes within a kinetic inductance parametric amplifier
The use of superconducting microresonators together with quantum-limited Josephson
parametric amplifiers has enhanced the sensitivity of pulsed electron spin resonance (ESR) …
parametric amplifiers has enhanced the sensitivity of pulsed electron spin resonance (ESR) …
Parametrically controlled chiral interface for superconducting quantum devices
Nonreciprocal microwave routing plays a crucial role in measuring quantum circuits, and
allows for realizing cascaded quantum systems for generating and stabilizing entanglement …
allows for realizing cascaded quantum systems for generating and stabilizing entanglement …
Dark‐State Induced Quantum Nonreciprocity
With the development of quantum technologies and their broad applications, the
phenomenon of reciprocity breaking has been evolving from an effective tool in classical …
phenomenon of reciprocity breaking has been evolving from an effective tool in classical …